Chapter 1

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I heard my name being called but I couldn't tell where it was coming from. I looked around me and realized I had no idea where I was.

"Larissa, come to me."

Who was calling my name? I was walking down a busy, city road but no one was talking. There was no sound at all. As I walked past people, I looked at their faces closely to make sure I wasn't having some kind of bad dream. No one would look at me and it was like they couldn't see me at all.

I stopped walking and turned around slowly, taking it all in. I placed my hands in my hair and screamed as loud as I could. I closed my eyes tight and just let it all out.

When I stopped screaming and opened my eyes, I saw everyone looking directly at me. I smiled nervously and started looking for a way out.

"Larissa." They all said together at the same time and I stopped walking, taking in my surroundings. Everyone was now stopped as well and it made me very uncomfortable having so many people watch me.

"What?" I asked in a weak voice. They all started moving closer to me, trapping me where I stood. I walked backwards towards this big glass building and stopped when my back met the side of it.

"Larissa, come to me." They all said at the same time.

"What do you want? I'm right here," I said as their faces moved closer to me. They weren't blinking and they didn't look like they were breathing; just moving towards me slowly.

Suddenly they all stopped moving, again in synchronization. They weren't making a single sound and the silence was deafening; I was frozen in place in fear. A few people in front of me moved to the side and a boy started walking towards me. He had a smile on his face and it made me want to run to him.

"Hello," I said softly as he walked to me, stopping about a foot away.

"Hello Mommy," he replied and I gasped. My hands moved down to my stomach and I quickly remembered I was supposed to be pregnant. My flat stomach that my hands were running over told me otherwise.

"Where is my baby? Where is my son?" I asked him angrily. He looked so confused but closed the gap between us and wrapped his arms around my legs.

"I'm here, Mommy. You have to come back. You have to wake up." His little voice was so peaceful and strong that he instantly reminded me of Eric. I placed my hand on the child's back to comfort him.

"I don't know how to wake up. Can you help me?" I asked him softly.

"Sure Mommy. It's easy. All you have to do is think about me. Think about my skin on yours. Think about my arms around your legs." His voice grew deep and suddenly his grip tightened on my legs.

The sudden change in his voice made my blood turn cold and want to run away from him. I looked down at the once little boy to see a full grown man in his place. His head snapped up quickly and my blood turned cold. The once little boy was replaced by a monster.


"Happy to see me, Love? You will never be able to get away from me," Robert said while running his hands up my legs, holding me close to him. I started screaming, kicking, hitting, trying to get away from him but he was so strong. I fell on the ground and he quickly moved to cover my body with his. I screamed louder and thrashed around as much as I could. I wasn't going to just lie there and take it.

"It's no use. You can't get away from me. Calm down and let me speak and I'll let you go. I'm only here to deliver a message.. a warning if you will." I stopped moving and looked at him with questioning eyes. His hands were pinning my arms above my head and I knew I couldn't trust him for one second. I wasn't going to show fear thought.

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