Alone with Him

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I stirred in my sleep as I felt a tingling sensation on my neck. I refused to open my eyes because I was too lazy to do so. So I ignored it. But after a few moments, it hasn’t stopped. I finally opened my eyes and found Liam, my dream guy, standing in front of me, holding a feather in his hand. My eyes widened involuntarily. I was wondering how in the world did he ended up in my room. My first thought was, ‘did he rape me while I was asleep?’ but I quickly dismissed that possibility because I couldn’t call it rape if I was willing to be raped, right? Then I remembered what happened the day before. I wasn’t in my room. It was Liam’s room and Liam’s bed. I smiled at that thought. But why didn’t he stay in bed and cuddle with me instead?

“Because this isn’t a fairytale where you would wake up in the arms of the guy you love.” He said dryly.

Oh my freaking gosh! How did he know what I was thinking? I knew it! He could read minds, so cool!

“Yeah right, I’m actually a mind-reader that’s why I know what you’re thinking. Not because you say your thoughts out loud.” He muttered sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

Oh. I looked down in embarrassment. For a second, I thought he was some Edward Cullen or something but I guessed not.

“Why are you holding a feather?” I questioned him.

“I was trying to wake you up.”

“By tickling me?” I asked, horrified.

“What do you expect me to do, wake you up with a good morning kiss?” he laughed out loud.

I kind of blushed because after what happened the night before, I was hoping he’d do exactly that.

“Why did you wake me up anyway?” I grumbled, trying to change the subject.

“You’re leaving soon.” He told me.

My heart sunk. I didn’t want to leave him yet. What if I invited him to the mansion instead? But it’s not like he’ll agree because he always does the opposite of what I expect him to do. Maybe I could kidnap him or something? I wouldn’t go to jail, for sure. But Mia and Wendy would suspect that I was the one who kidnapped Liam because I was beyond obsessed. I was weighing my options when Liam snapped his fingers in my face. I pretended to glare at him.

“Hey, rich girl.”

“What?” I asked.

“Did you even hear anything I said?” he frowned.

It would be embarrassing if I said no so I nodded my head, not really knowing what he was saying. Oh well, it’s not like he’d ask me what he said. I smiled inwardly.

“Really? What did I say?” he taunted.

Ooops. My bad. He did ask me. What was I supposed to say? ‘Sorry, Liam. But I was too busy planning to kidnap you that I didn’t hear what you said. Can you please repeat it?’ yeah right. I would never say that to his face. I stared at him and he stared back, clearly waiting for me answer his question.

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