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Blinded by the ember of beauty;

Surrendering all to its veracity;

Brought to us by providence;

Uttered in times of confidence.

Emotions torrid, fluid, endless,

Succumbing to the soft caress,

Of the wanting, wandering eyes,

From which the dark floods arise.

The thoughts deep inside, euphoric;

The images that swirl and dance, erotic,

Filled with a want, a wondrous lust,

Hysterical urges made hard to adjust.

A glimmer, a thought, an eager shadow,

Thrives and blossoms from deep below;

Languidly descending us to darkness,

Awakening the seeds of sinfulness.

Drowning, searching in decadence,

The crimson rose, our residence,

Hand in hand the bodies interlace,

Softened by a tender, fluid embrace.

A longing touch, begins to flower,

With it our writhing bodies devour,

So eye-to-eye we begin this feast,

And this night, become the beast.

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