Lesson 19

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Lesson 19: Know the Code

One thing you should know about me is this: I cannot sit still very well.

I do not like having to sit in class and take notes and listen, I have a very hard time paying attention and get bored very easily. To solve this dilemma I created my own code. Each letter in the alphabet is substituted for a separate symbol and each symbol is written upside down.

This code (while it would be hard for others) I have been using for quite a while, so to me it is fairly easy to use.

This code helps me in class because when I write in it demands that I pay a little more attention to what I am doing and helps me focus more on what I am writing and hearing all while making it more interesting.

I love this code and have not shared it with anyone except my sister and a very few friends of mine. This code is a little treasure to me that makes the world a better place.

Once a week I would go a to a Bible study. It's a very intense Bible study were we really study the verse we read and pour over every word.

After we all read and discuss what we read the leader will give a small sermon on what we learned last week.

At this Bible study the chairs are always pulled into a circle and the leaders sit down with us.

For some reason this one leader in particular liked to sit next to me every class.

I really wouldn't have minded that except for the fact that she liked to look over my shoulders every now and then and peer at my notes and then share them with the rest of the class

I didn't have anything to hide, but I didn't particularly like that she was reading my notes to everyone, so I started writing my notes in code.

That's when the trouble began.

I laughed silently to myself the first time she looked over my shoulder and saw my code.

She leaned over even more and squinted as if maybe she was seeing it wrong.

I continued to write and pretended that I didn't notice her looking.

Later on she once again looked at my notes. I ignored her and continued writing.

Finally she stood up and walked none too obviously behind my chair and looked right down at my paper.

She shook her head and then walked away.

After the Bible Study ended my mom came to pick me up. I stood by the door smiling and waiting for her to come.

My mom came to the door and smiled back at me "How was it?" she asked

"It was good." I replied and grabbed my stuff to follow her outside.

"Excuse me," the leader who liked to peer over my shoulder said, "but could I talk to you two for a moment?" she asked my mom

I stared at the leader confused as she and my mom walked into the hall.

"You too." The leader said motioning to me.

"What's wrong?" my mom asked

"Well, your daughter is doing math homework during the Bible study and I just wanted to stop that. We really want the kids to be listening to the message and not doing homework and stuff."

My mom stared at me for a moment before turning back to the leader. "She doesn't have homework." She replied

The leader looked surprised for a moment before turning to me. "Can I see your notes?" she asked

I smiled, now I knew what this what about, she thought my code had been me doing math problems.

I pulled the sheet out of my bag and showed it my mom. "I was still listening and writing down notes." I told my mom, "I was just writing them down in code like I do in class sometimes."

My mom nodded and then turned to the leader. "She writes in code sometimes because it keeps her from getting bored and helps her focus better on what the teacher is saying."

The leaders face grew red and I felt bad for her, she really was a nice lady and I knew she was only worried that I wasn't learning anything and not paying attention.

"Oh, okay, because several years ago we had a girl who would bring her homework and do it during calss and I just thought..." she trailed off

My mom and I smiled at her, "It's okay."

We waved goodbye and then left.

Lesson Learned:

Sometimes people just don't get it, with or without a code.

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