the spellcasters tales

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My first story on wattpad, i hope you like it, please comment



I was a freak, an unnatural being of nature, an alien in some ways. But that was what all of us were here at carnival, freaks, with cruel masters and a hard life. The hardship of me and other freaks is not known, and this is exactly why I have to tell me story  


"I WANTED A FIRE, WHERE IS THE F***EN FIRE," Ray yelled, getting out his whip. "Aporanis," "Aporanis," I whispered to myself. I waited a second for the spell to hopefully activate, wishing with all of my might. This spell HAD to work; I couldn't face another one of Ray's brutal beatings. My back was lined with scars from past beatings, blood red in neat, horizontal rows. Ray was all about making perfect lines, whether on your face, back, legs, or chest. The pain was sometimes unbearable. Ray got out his whip and cracked it in the air, the beating was about to start. A pain so intense made me crumple to the floor, searing pain flew through my back, and blood came pouring to the ground. I felt disoriented, my head started spinning. "GIVE ME A FIRE!" Ray shouted, giving me another whip. My best friend, Lucy, looked at me from across the tent, she looked miserable, flinching whenever Ray shouted or hit me. Focusing on her seemed to help; with straight black hair, deep blue eyes, and a charming smile, her beauty always seemed to put me in a trace. She was also a freak, changing forms to look like whatever the person's desires were. Of course, Ray kept her for himself, enjoying her ability a little too much. I screamed in agony, another whip. I started to pray, pray in hopes that Ray suffered a million beatings, became a freak, and lived a horrible life, just like me. I prayed for a fire, a fire that would end the beating, a fire that would end the pain, a fire that would end Ray, burning him up would give me satisfaction like no other. "AHHHHHHHH," Ray shrieked in frustration. I knew that if I couldn't conjure up a fire I would be whipped until I passed out from blood loss. "Please, don't hurt him," whimpered Lucy, "I'll do whatever you want me to, whip me instead," she pleated. "Lucy, don't worry, I'll be fine," I said, my voice tired and soft. "Please," she begged again. "I DON'T WANT YOU, I WANT A FIRE!!!!" Ray screamed again, giving me another three whips. The world started spinning, everything went blurry. I saw Lucy's face, drenched with tears, before blackness surrounded me.

I woke up in another tent, a bigger, more familiar one, light streamed in my eyes, and in some deep part of my mind, I knew that Melody was at work, tending to the scars on my back. The pain had decreased a lot, now more of an annoyance than anything else. I slowly eased myself up so I was now sitting. Melody was staring at me with worry. Melody was also beautiful, with wavy blond hair and concerned brown eyes. Melody was really special, with her magical voice, she could heal wounds. She couldn't heal my whip marks all the way, or Ray would find out that she was healing them at all, and there would be a huge price to pay, in fact, if this became news to Ray or any of the other ringleaders, you could bet that the result would include layers of beatings and death, of whom you could never be sure. Zack took this opportunity to stuff a load of food in my mouth. "Man...... Ray went really far this time; he kept whipping you after you blacked out.... Lucy was seriously freaked, and Ray, well he was seriously pissed, when he finds out you've awakened, he's gonna kick the crap out of you." Zack informed me, making the information sound like a statement, a fact. He would make an excellent lawyer, if he had a future. None of us had a future, in fact, many of the performers were in their late forties, unable to escape the evil hands of the ringleaders. My face must have shown some sort of terror or distress, because Zack quickly added "if he touches you again, I'll kick his ass," "I bet you could," Melody replied. Zack was awesome, besides his loyalty to us, he could turn any part of his body into metal, and it had saved him many a beating. We were quite a pair, us four, Lucy, Melody, Zack and I, facing this crazy circus. Lucky chose that moment to trudge in. Sighing, she repeated to the news, "Ray says that there's going to be a show tonight, and he expects a fire." She ended, looking directly at me. I gulped, swallowing down my fear. I glanced at her perfect face; how I wished to stroke her hair, kiss those luscious red lips with passion like no other. We stared at each other, seeing into each other's souls like nothing mattered. My heart started thumping and my eyes followed her as she left, admiring her quick, fluid movements.

Melody, trying to break the silence, told us that it was four now and the show was at six, so we had two hours to do what we wished, I gulped, my eyes staring at the top of our orange and red tent. I thought of fire, a burning fire, so hot it was a deep blue, contained within my hand. I thought I had the key to success, I could almost feel the raw power of fire illuminating me. I glanced at my hand, still nothing. Zack and Melody quietly left, leaving me to try my magic in private.

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