The Secret

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Warning! not edited, i got lazy :p anyways, enjoy! :D

For my crazy little friend on the top ^^ I own your soul now >:D lol, jk :D <3

Teresa on the sideee>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


The door opened with a bang! And everyones attention was instantly on me, I dint care though, I ran straight towards the master who was looking at me with questioning eyes.

"master!" I huffed once I reached him.

"yes? Whats wrong" he asked, worry clear in his voice. I showed him the dagger, careful not to touch its poisonous tip and saw both Lens and the Masters eyes widen. I looked at Len and he held my gaze seeming to understand what I was trying to tell him without words. We had to tell the master what had happened yesterday.

"master, you might want to sit down for this."

and so we told the whole story of what happened yesterday to him and mama Jill. At the end of it master was looking at us in disbelief.

"your telling me this...NOW?!" he hissed, keeping his voice dangerously low so only we could hear even though I could see the anger flashing in his eyes. I looked down at my feet in shame and I saw Len look away from the master from the corner of my eye.

"master, im sure they dint mean to, their just kids and this whole thing with Teresa isn't exactly helping

either." The master turned his anger filled face- that softened a bit- as it landed on Mama Jill. She gave him a small smile and he sighed and put his head in his hands.

"I cant believe this is actually happening. Assasins in our guild? How did they even manage to come inside?...." he mumbled more to himself than anyone else. At that moment I felt really bad for the master, I really did but we dint have time to just sit around and mop, it was just not done. The more time we wasted the farther away Teresa was getting from us and the more in danger she would be in.

"master, what are we going to do?"

Apparently Len had been thinking the same thing, I was glad that I wasn't the only one who felt the need to take some action. Master looked up at us, his face even more worn than before then at the dagger that was lying next to him on a table.

" JACK!" he said in a voice so loud that I felt my bones shaking. Almost instantly a boy with shaggy brown hair and big round specs appeared in front of us, for a second I wondered if his power was teleportation but then again, if master had called me like that I would have appeared out of no where if I had to too.

"y-yes master?" he asked in a squeaky voice, stammering a little, clutching his books closer to his chest as if he was afraid the master would rip them out of his hands in a fit of rage-which at that moment seemed possible. The master handed him the dagger but he moved his hand out of the way and in his pocket, producing a pair of surgery gloves. He put his books down and put the gloves on, taking the dagger from the master. He inspected it, tossing and turning it around in his hands. I saw his eyes widen and a small smile play on his face as he fiddled around with it a little more, weighing it with his hand.

"well?" the master prompted, losing patience.

"Ivory" he replied. His eyes still on the dagger he seemed fascinated with.

"pardon?" I heard Len say from next to me, obviously as confused as I was.

"the daggers made of ivory. Its very rarely used for small daggers such as this as it costs a lot and daggers are mostly a one -time- use thing, but ivory makes the dagger lighter which in turn makes it easier for the user to carry around and throw, it also increases the daggers speed because of its lightness. This is quite a deadly weapon. I have seen very few of these in my life. What I can't tell you is what the markings on the dagger mean. What surprises me though is how the assassin managed to put poison on the tip of the dagger

without it melting... It should have been impossible. I don't think Your dealing with an ordinary assassin here...."

He finally shifted his eyes from the daggers to the master- who was staring at the dagger with a blank expression- and then to the rest of us, i.e Mama Jill, Len and me and then back to the master again.

"There are a few blacksmiths in town, but Im sure none of them do such fine work. The quality of this dagger is extraordinary, im almost certain its laced with magic too, there is no other way it would have survived that poison."

"are you sure? Is there no one else you know who might have made this?" I asked, when the master dint reply. He seemed to be in his own world.

"well, there is one person who I can think of..." he trailed of nervously glancing at Len who just shook his head and got this far away look in his eyes.

"there's no way, there's just no way" I looked between the two, confused. What where they talking about? More like WHO where they talking about?

" You know he would Len, if paid the right amount of money, that guy would kill his own mother"

"He did." Len growled. I had officially had enough, I needed to know what they where talking about.

"who are you guys talking about?" I almost shouted, voicing my thoughts.

"Aaron" I turned around surprised, the master had finally spoken. My surprise then turned into shock and fear. Aaron was one of the most feared people in Tatian and for good reason too. He was one of the most powerful rogues anyone had ever seen, it was said that he was in a guild once but got kicked out for nearly blasting the whole village away with one of his explosives when he was 10 years old, killing many people including his mother in the process. He had been training and making explosives and weapons ever since,

travelling around the Land and selling them in the black market where no one would recognize him. No one knew about his whereabouts because he was constantly on the move, he was nearly impossible to catch.

" But how? No one knows where he is!" I said, looking around for answers. All of them looked away from me, not meeting my eyes. I looked at Len, and was amazed at the coldness I saw in them. He sighed before he finally spoke.

"I know where he is, someone else must have tracked him down too"

I just stared at him, eyes wide with disbelief.

"b-but how? How could you possibly know where he is?"

I saw the coldness in Lens eyes turn into something softer, deeper. I saw it turn into pain and sadness.

"because.." he said "Hes my elder brother"


dun! dun! dun! hahaah, cliffhanger! YAY! XD so, i dont know when the next upload will be but i promise it will be before this friday :D i might even upload faster if you vote and comment ;) to get to it! :D


love and beacon! (i love that stuff)

xoxo- Rabz

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