2 - Chocolate

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Here's chapter two!! Enjoy! xx



A quick glance at my car dash told me I had 12 minutes to get to school.

Great job Riley, late for your first day at a new school.

I sighed and pressed my foot down on the accelerator, letting my baby push past the speed limit.

That's more like it! I thought, giving myself a mental cheer and a satisfied smile. I had to be breaking some laws here and damn I felt badass!

"Riles, if you're going to go just five miles over the speed limit you might as well not bother. We'll be late either way." Colton drawled and pretended to look at his fingernails with interest.

Aw hell no, he did not just say that! "Excuse me, Colton, would you like to walk to school? Because that can be arranged." I sent him a joking side glare but nonetheless pressed down a little more on my accelerator.

He held up his hands defensively. "Hey, just saying," he laughed. "But by all means, go as slow as you like, I'm not the one who's gonna be embarrassed walking into class late."

Well damn, he actually made a very good point - there was absolutely no way I could afford to be late when I was already going to be 'the new kid'. I sighed again, speeding up until I was well over 20 miles above the speed limit.


Five minutes later, we spotted the school and I circled the building to find the student parking. Our new high school looked quite big and rather old and prestigious with red and brown brick buildings and large green grounds beside them. The biggest building, which I assumed was the main one, had the words 'McKinnon High School' plastered on the top in silver, iron letters.

Here goes nothing... I thought as I pulled my baby into a space next to another car.

Colt got out from the passenger side and looked up at the school before us, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Ready, Riley?" he turned to me, pulling a face. He looked nervous, which was to be expected, I mean, your first day at a new school is by far the most important. You can only make a good first impression once, right?

"Don't stress Colt, you'll be fine. Well, as long as you don't mention your lack of table manners and disgusting eating habits. Oh and your bad sleeping patterns and shitty taste in music and also your total incompetence at well, life, and you know what? Maybe just everything. Maybe don't mention anything." I teased, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, yeah go die in a hole." He grumbled back and I stuck out my tongue, wrinkling up my nose. 

"Good luck, kid!" I called after him as he started to walk off. "Love ya!"

"Love you too, Riles."

I slammed my car door shut and locked my baby, turning to make my way to the school's entrance when...

OH. MY. GOD. Well, hello there you sexy thing! Ugh can I just eat you?! My mind screamed as I came face to face with a... RED MASERATI!!

Hot daaammn!

Oh lord, it was so beautiful, I just wanted to run my hands all over it. Lucky kid that owned it. It was parked next to my baby in all its glory and I felt myself unable to tear my eyes away from its fiery red perfection.

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