Chapter 3, 'Bonding.'

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Haii! Missed youu!

Here you go!

“What the hell are you doing?!”

My head snapped up to the incredibly husky voice that belonged to my husband.

“Uh… Doing the dishes?” I guessed.

“That’s what you call doing the dishes?! Monique! You’re  rubbing laundry detergent on them! That’s why the kitchen smells so…flowery! God, you’re hopeless! Just—just go. I’ll handle them.” He sighed, rubbing his temples.

God, I feel so ashamed. Dad was right. I can’t do anything on my own. Useless.

But me being me, I argued.

“How am I supposed to know, huh?! You didn’t show me how to use these… Junk! And you call this a kitchen? You’ve got to be kidding me.” I scoffed, folding my arms against my chest.

I could spot his grey eyes blazing in fiery.

Uh- oh…

“This isn’t your castle, last time I checked. News flash princess, but you’re living in the real world now, not in the world in which you marry prince charming and live happily ever after with seven kids. No! You’re married to the poor beggar. Well sorry for you. In a matter of fact, I’m a hundred times better than any stuck up prince out there. I have dignity, loyalty, and kindness. Unlike your kind, ‘your majesty’.” Then just like that, he slammed the creaky door of the ‘kitchen’.

Shit. Way to go. I hurt him, bad.


“I don’t fucking care!”

“Like hell you do,” I muttered.

I washed all the dishes again, not bothering rubbing them with anything.


“I’m bored.”

“I’m bored.”

“I’m bored.”

“I’m bor—“

“Will you shut up!” Elliot demanded. Well, asked.

“I’m bored shitless! Are you always this boring.” I sighed, bunching my blonde mane up in a ponytail.

“I’m sorry, do you want me to get you an entertainer? Maybe a party?” He sarcastically proposed, leaving the wedge that he was using to slit the lodge in half to look at me in mock cheer.

“Jerk.” I wacked him, turning to the worn out door to enter the shack.

“Only for you baby, only for you.” He mocked back, laughing.

God. I need a plan to escape and fast. Maybe I can be extra annoying and demanding, he’ll take me back from where I came from. Yeah, that’s it. Be rude, stuck up, and demanding.

I diverted my path to the ‘porch’.

“Elliot! I almost forgot, I need a shower. Please don’t tell me you don’t shower.” I said in an extra nasally voice.

I internally giggled.

Elliot looked at me in disgust, and sighed. “I forgot to show you around.                It’s the door on the left, last one.” He beckoned.

“Got it.”

I followed Elliot’s instructions to find myself in a miniature bathroom.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

It was tiny with a pale white toilet, sink, and tub. Contrasting with the gold ones we owned back in the castle.

God, this is so normal. So, not me.

It’ll do.


After showering and scrubbing myself until being red, I wrapped myself in a dark towel I found in one of the wooden cabinets – that were clearly built by Elliot—which I thanked god for.

I’m no way walking around naked in a house with a stranger.

Well husband.

But I don’t know him! I wonder if dad cares for me. I mean he gave me away to a total stranger! It’s kind of sad…

It’s for your benefit.

The other part of me reminded me, making me at ease.

I remembered Elliot saying something about a packed suitcase in our room.

God, I can’t imagine sharing a room with him.

“Elliot!” I called in desperate need of decent clothes.

Another breeze swished through me, making me shiver in my flimsy towel.

“What now?” He came, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

I saw his beautiful eyes bulge when he noticed my lack of clothing.

God, can this be more embarrassing?

I was in the bathroom, only my head poking out the door. Why is he so humiliated?

“Uh-h, r-right. Clothes. Wait right h-here.” He stuttered, averting his eyes anywhere but me.

I giggled at his cuteness.

Snap out of it!

Oh yeah, do not let him charm you!

He disappeared then came back with a duffle bag.

He chucked it in my direction, making me squeal then he left, with a pinkish tinge in his cheeks.


I quickly took the bag and fished for a bra and panties.

I found my most casual clothes; Jeans, shirts, shorts, a bunch of sweaters, and a dress or two.

I almost cried at how little clothes they packed me! My closet was a walk in, huge one for lord’s sake!

I quickly took a pair of light washed jeans and a sweater, it was breezy outside.


“We need to find a place for you to work.” That was far most, the most terrifying sentence I’ve heard all day.

Work? I can’t work! I’m Monique Crowne.

I voiced my thoughts to Elliot, and all I got was a depressing answer.

“Ah, ah, ah! Monique Sterling, excuse you. And you need to work, we need to gain money if you want to get out of this place – which I extremely love—but I’m compromising.

I screamed in frustration, digging my fingers in the roots of my hair, and tugging at them painfully.

All I got was a chuckle at my reaction.


“Come on, honey, it’s just work. I promise it’ll be fun.” But the smirk on his face screamed otherwise.

He’s enjoying this too much, just wanting to gauge my reaction when I do work and help out.

He winked, which can make any girl weak at her knees but me.

God, this boy is so bipolar. One time he’s all innocent and blushing, and the next he’s winking and flirting.

What have I landed myself into?


Hiya! Did you guys like it?

I really hope to get a reaction out of this story, 'cause I really love it.

And no, she doesn't have an inner wolf.

Not because she has a conscience means, it's a wolf. That's only a special case in 'Really, Alpha?'

Media: Wild, Wild love. By Pitbull ft. G.R.L. x

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