Thank You

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I don't really know how to start

I guess by saying thank you

Thank you for all the good times

The good memories

The good friendship

All the laughs

Thank you for all the love you've given me

Thank you thank you thank you

I can't say it enough

Thank you for listening to me cry at three in the morning

Because none of my crazy boyfriends were awake

Or sober

Thank you for keeping me company when I needed it most

You truly are a beautiful friend

You're beautiful in the face

And the heart

And the mind

I know I haven't really been a good friend to you

But thank you regardless

You stay with me

Thank you

You pick me up when I'm down

You talk sense into me when I'm feeling reckless

You actually want to talk to me

Most people don't

You know how to make me smile on the worst days

Thank you for this

All this and more

I love you and I need you

Thank you

Thank YouWhere stories live. Discover now