Preventing a war and Revenge

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                Six years have passed since then and now I’m an Alpha and living on the same ground I had once killed so many of my old pack on. Scott lives with me as one of my Betas. Unlike the normal pack structure mine is different, I have two Betas and most of my pack are fighters.

                “Hey, John, the Counsel is on edge after that stunt of yours but thankful. They sent you ten million in precious metals.” Said Leo, my other Beta, as he caught up to me. I nodded and continued to walk to the new pack member’s house. As alpha I have to greet them and welcome them.

                At the door, I knocked. The door opened and Phillip Mawler. He invited us in. in the living room was his wife, May, their son, Fred, And two daughters, Jess and Ember. I could smell Fred’s fear and astonishment as well as one of the girls’ excitement and arousal. It was always the same with unmated females around an alpha. It was supposed to help us reproduce. Phillip introduced everyone. It was Jess that I smelt, Ember seemed to be thinking about something else. Walking by her l brushed her leg and stood in front of the T.V. and gave that same speech I've given dozens of times. As I spoke I smelt no change in Ember. Steel was starting to take an interest in her. I finished and walked out.

“Leo, I don’t want Ember to be running alone. Make sure someone is watching her during the day at night I’ll have a Hellhound tail her.” I said thinking, Steel never cared about females like he was Ember. If she was truly different then maybe I found the girl to be my mate.

Ember POV

                “Ember, what was that?” Asked Jess as we walked into the forest. I shrugged, unlike most female werewolves I didn’t want sleep with an alpha or be mated to one. We shifted and took off running. It wasn’t long till I noticed that we were being followed. A large black panther was keeping up with us in the trees. I started to let loose and really took off with Jess on my tail. We quickly lost the panther. In a clearing Jess and I sat and caught our breaths. Movement caught my eye, in the brush around the clearing a wolf was watching us.

                ‘Jess we’re being watched. First it was a panther and now there’s a wolf watching us.’ I told her over the mind link.

                ‘Well you must have done something wrong if the Alpha thinks you need to be watched.’ She replied.

                ‘Alpha Blaze?’ I asked

                ‘Yeah, he also is the alpha of the werecats in this area.’ She said. With that we went home.

John’s POV

                I watch through the pack mind link as one of my enforcers watched Ember and her sister. I saw her notice him and after a little bit they left. I left the enforcer’s head and started finishing the forms for the new CNC Mill. The Counsel gave me this land and two hundred million dollars, cash to make amends for locking me up and to keep me quiet about my past. They even gave me a new sure name, Blaze. Since then I’ve started multiple businesses and work with Scott’s father on occasion. My biggest businesses was a machine shop and a blacksmithing shop.

                “John, here’s the Mawler children’s school schedules. Can I ask why are you taking such an interest in Ember Mawler?” Asked Scott as he handed me the schedules.

                “Ember acts different, unlike the others even when I touched her, I got nothing. Steel’s even taken an interest in her. I think she might be the one.” I said thinking aloud.

                “Alphas always do want a challenge. She’s the only one to ever give you one. Oh yeah, there’s been reports from our spies that a group of Soulless are heading in our direction. They’ll be here in a week.”

                “I’ll have the hellhounds start running patrols. Any news from your father?”

                “No, he’s still trying to find out which pack wants to start a war with us. Are you going to them or send the Vanguard?”

                “Depends, several of the other alphas are now our allies and I have no doubt they would back us if it came to it.” I leaned back and stared at the map on the wall of all the pack territories. My small pack was well known to be a force to be feared as well as respected. My top fighters were allowed to try for a place on the Vanguard, a group of powerful broken that had been among the first to join the pack. They soon earned my respect and I granted them powers like my own. Then something clicked. “The Bloody Creek Pack, how far away is it?”

                “About ten miles from our border to theirs, why?” Scott asked.

                “Call a Pack meeting tonight at ten. I’ll be back by then and we’ll prepare for an attack or for war.” I said standing up and walking out. Outside I shifted into my wolf and took off towards The Bloody Creek Pack. At their borders I sifted to an eagle and flew to the pack house.

                “To War, We will wipe this Broken Alpha from this land like we did that Disgraced alpha two and a half decades ago!” I shifted and dropped down next to the Alpha in my human form. The pack froze, I was pissed this was the pack that killed my mother and now I will repay the favor. I focused all my strength and summoned my hellhounds. The sky darkened as ominous clouds formed overhead. Out of the forest came hellhounds.

                “Kill only those that believe in this cult the others will be untouched!” I commanded. They ran through the crowd killing a third while I killed the high ranking wolves. Afterwards I told them that my pack would send a group to police them until the counsel sent someone to take over this pack. “No one will leave this territory until then!” I commanded them. I then shifted and went back to my pack.

                Back at the pack house Scott and Leo stood out back with some of our best fighters. I shifted and told them the plan. Ten werewolves and six werecats chose to go. Scott called the council while Leo packed to go Police the pack.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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