Chapter Fifteen

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Finally it was here; the day Riley and I had been waiting for. Well, it was the day before and taking into consideration my nerves it might as well have been the day of. Even though we really didn’t need to, Riley wanted to keep things authentic so he was crashing at Kevin’s while I stayed at the apartment with Maria (who decided to keep her door and mini bar open at all times). It was off being in the apartment without Riley. The past year and a half of healing he hardly left my side. It was still hard to believe that it had been almost three years since we first met back up on the cruise.

            “It seems just like yesterday that you abandoned me in that club for Riley,” Maria said at lunch that day (a part of my bachelorette party day), reminiscing.

            “I didn’t mean to leave you,” I laughed, I was drunk and Riley had basically said that he never wanted to leave me again,”

            “How did that happen exactly?” she leaned across the table, “Did he just say ‘hey I’m sorry I’m such a fuck up can you take me back’?”

            “Maria language!” I laughed, then blushed slightly, “No, he sang the chorus and bridge to Never Gonna Leave This Bed to me,”

            “Awe, that’s sweet,” someone sneered from behind us.

I turned around to see a tall, red headed woman with an evil grin on her lips. She was wearing a low cut tank top with Daisy Duke shorts and wedges. She walked over to us, two people trailing behind her. They weren’t with her, if anything they wanted to beat her over the head with their purses. The two slid into the booth with Maria and me and glared at the red head.

            “You know when they told me you were marrying Riley, I nearly died of laughter,” the woman said, flicking her hair off her shoulder, “to think he went back to a mental case is shocking,”

            “What so you want Samantha,” Maria snapped.

            “Oh, nothing. Just to remind Alyson here that Riley could have something so much better and maybe he’ll realized that at the wedding,”

My heart fell a bit after she dropped that bomb and walked away, waving at us and slamming the café door behind her.

            “Don’t listen to her Alyson,” Valerie, one of the women who walked in and an old friend of mine, said as she looked at me, “she’s just jealous,”

            “I thought she left?” Amy, the other woman and another friend, asked softly, “I mean after the whole breakup fiasco with Riley at graduation we all thought she high tailed it out of here,”

            “She did and then returned sometime later,” Maria said, standing up and walked away as she pulled out her phone, “like fucking herpes,”

            “Sorry I’m late,” my friend Natalie, who had just walked in, said as she slid in next to me, “I had to wait until Greg came home to watch David,”

            “You just missed the Queen Bitch,” Valerie said, motioning over to a waitress.

            “Who, Samantha? I thought she flew the coop?”

            “Well apparently she’s back and she just harassed poor Alyson here,” Amy hugged me tightly.

            “Don’t listen to her Alyson,” Valerie said as she looked at her menu, “Riley wouldn’t have done all he did to get back with you if he honest to god didn’t love you,”

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