Chapter 1

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A/N: So I mean, okay, I know about 'Super Family' (Tony + Steve = Peter), and I couldn't help but feel bad for Wade, who has no Super Family of his own. So I thought about it... and I've been reading a bunch of Phlint fics....and... I mean... you can sorta see Wade learning off Clint and everything... and I mean come on it'd be so cute. So this will have (Phil + Clint =Wade). I'm calling it Spy Family for now. Can you imagine Aunty Natasha?!

Of course, Wade and Peter are both adopted and everything but ahhh~ I love this idea of mine so much and I need to share it with everyone so...enjoy.
Okay, so this chapter is set after Steve and Tony have adopted Peter. I didn't get a chance to work that in. And in this story Wade will be an actual mutant, instead of a Weapon X creation. That's all for now :)

Fire. Smoke. Loud noises.
"Heads up!" Tony shouted. A car door flew by Hawkeye's head.
"Gee thanks for the warning," Clint told him.
"That's why I'm here," Tony retorted.
"Focus guys," Steve chided.
"Focussing on what exactly? I can't see anything. JARVIS?"
"No heat signatures besides the Avengers registering."
"What, are the fires not giving off heat?"
"My apologies sir, I thought you were looking for something besides the obvious."
"Come on JARVIS, you know I live for the obvious."
"Once again, my apologies sir."
The area was ruined. A few Hydra agents had decided to use the abandoned warehouse as a base, and now a testing ground, clichéd as it was. The area was fairly deserted, and it had cleared out quickly after the explosions went off. The Avengers were basically there for recon.
Unfortunately, Thor was doing Asgard stuff, and Bruce wasn't pulled out for the small stuff, so it was just Steve, Clint, Tony and Natasha.
"So what, we're thinking remote controlled explosions?" Clint asked.
"Seems to be," Tony analysed.
"Figures that Hydra wouldn't stay around and witness the destruction they've caused." Steve commented.
Tony landed gently next to his husband. "I love it when you diss the other guys."
Steve gave him a look, and Clint laughed.
"Hey where's Nat?" asked Tony.
Clint nodded towards the building. "Inside."
Clint shrugged. "She can handle it."
"Oh, I have no doubt," Tony replied scathingly. "But I won't be able to handle Pepper if she does someday slip up." He paused. "That is an idea that haunts my every move."
Clint laughed and leant back against his bow. "I'm just as worried something will happen to Pepper and I'll have to deal with Nat."
There was a silence.
"Yep, yours is definitely more scary," Tony admitted.
"Lucky I have my boyfriend to protect me," Clint teased.
As if on cue, Coulson's voice cut through the air, via their headpieces. "If you're done standing around, you are on a mission."
Tony and Clint laughed, but Steve stiffened. "Of course," he replied.
"Mama's boy," Tony muttered.
Steve gave him one of his rare looks of good humour. "Then you married a mama's boy." He began walking forwards, as Clint unsuccessfully tried to cover his laugh.
Tony jumped back into the air and flew towards Steve. "Well yeah," he commented. "Can't help it that I have a type."
Steve gave him another look, this one of a dubious nature, as he paused to pull away a bit of wreckage and throw it away. "Your type is mama's boys?"
"No, just boy scouts," Tony smirked and flew ahead, as Steve rolled his eyes. "JARVIS?"
"Yes sir?"
"Scan for any tech that seems, you know, Hydra-y. Anything more complex than a toaster."
"Yes sir." There was a beat. "Just to be clear sir, I'm to avoid scanning the fires, correct?"
"Yes JARVIS," Tony replied in an annoyed tone.
"Just clarifying sir."
"Stupid sassy AI." Tony muttered.
"Sorry sir?"
"Nothing JARVIS."
"Good sir."
Sometimes Tony wondered if he had given JARVIS too much personality.
He stopped suddenly and let JARVIS scan closer to one of the fires. The screen flitted with information, but nothing important. He sighed and flew back to where Clint and Steve were doing the old fashioned search-with-your-hands method, which Tony had given up on back in primary school.
"Anything interesting?" Steve asked, not looking up from his work.
"Nope. Anything on your end?"
Clint sighed and dropped a piece of metal, dusting his hands again each other. "Only that this place was way too stocked up on random pieces of metal."
"Well, it was partly a junkyard," Tony commented.
"Behave," Steve told them, though neither was quite sure which one of them he was referring to. "SHIELD wants us to look into this, so we're looking into it. Okay?"
There was a pause as the other two tried to come up with something witty.
Clint beat Tony with a "Sir yes sir."
Tony of course, one-upped him with a "I love it when you order me around."
Steve ignored him. "If there's nothing here, it's possible that's there's stuff inside." He nodded towards the building, and tapped his earpiece. "Black Widow, anything?"
There was a pause and the crackle of the radio. "Nothing concrete." There was another pause. "Whatever there was's pretty destroyed. But I think we can rule this out as an accident. This place was cleared out very efficiently."
Steve nodded to himself. "Anything worth salvaging?"
"Not that I've seen so far. I've cleared the first two levels, and I'm not sure how stable the other levels are. There's piles of metal though, but I'll leave it for the techies."
"Regroup." Steve told her, then cut the connection. He looked around again. "Tony, can you do something about the fires now?"
Tony chuckled. "Time to test out my fire extinguisher upgrade."
He flew towards the closest fire. "JARVIS?"
"Ready sir."
As Iron Man went about culling the fires, Steve turned to Clint. "Tell Coulson what's going on."
Clint nodded. "What are you going to do?"
Steve grinned at him. "I'm going to check that building. The way it's going, it might not be here when the 'techies' arrive."
Clint grinned and reached to his headpiece. "Hey Phil..."
Steve began running towards the building, using the stray pieces of metal as a ramp and launching himself into the third storey of the warehouse.
Clint gave Phil a quick overview of the situation. "Should be back in time for tea," he finished.
"Good." Phil replied.
Clint laughed. "Don't sound so glad."
He waited as Phil juggled his professionalism with his emotions.
"Get back soon," he finally said.
Clint laughed again. "I'll try my best."
"Try what?" Natasha asked as she snuck up next to him.
Clint didn't react. "Getting this over with." He looked her over. "You okay?"
She didn't bother dignifying it with a response.
Tony soon joined them. "No more fires," he clarified. He looked around. "Where's...?"
Clint gestured towards the building. "Went rogue on us."
Tony gave an exasperated look at the building. "JARVIS patch me to Steve."
"Patching you through."
"Tony." He sounded a bit strained. "Bit busy at the moment."
"Need a lift?"
"Not yet. I'm almost done. Might need a pickup in a few minutes though."
"I'll keep to the sky then. What level you on?"
With that, Tony flew off again.
Clint watched him. "Ever think we should invest in some Iron Man suits?"
Nat gave him a smile. "I'm good."
Clint sighed. "It's just a bit unfair."
She followed the suit with her eyes. "Ask him for one then."
"He'd never let me live it down." He grinned. "Besides, it'd hide my pretty face."
Natasha finally looked at him. "That'd be a shame."
"I know," he moaned.
There was an explosion and the two agents jumped to attention.
"The building," Natasha murmured.
As one, they ran towards the collapsing building. Clint tried to contact the others. "Tony, Steve, you guys okay? Iron Man! Talk to me!"
There was a silence, then, "Yeah, we're fine." The suit appeared suddenly, holding Steve in his arms. "This one wanted a longer look around, but I figured we shouldn't leave you guys alone for too long."
Tony landed gently next to them, and let Steve down. "Aw, were you guys worried?"
"Only about the intel that could now be lost." Natasha told him.
"Sorry," Steve told her, rubbing his head.
Natasha looked him over. "It's fine," she said abruptly.
Tony pouted. "She likes you better."
"Everyone likes him better." Clint informed him.
Tony made an annoyed noise and looked around.
"Sir," JARVIS suddenly chimed in.
"What is it JARVIS? I'm being bullied here."
"My condolences sir, but I thought you should know I've picked up a lifeform."
"What? Where?" He turned around, ignoring the looks from his group.
JARVIS computed a route. "It is fading fast," JARVIS warned as Tony followed it quickly.
Tony stopped as the trail led off and began twisting his head to locate it.
JARVIS zoomed in on the signature and Tony reached over and pulled a metal sheet away from the survivor.
The body he found shocked him and he fell to the ground.
A child, no more than eight....
He reached over to it tenderly. It wasn't moving.
His hand touched the child's skin.
It stirred.
Tony sighed and contacted the others. "Guys, I found something."

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