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A boy who saw his parents murdered. This was back, long time, before guns. Anyways, he walked into his parents room to see hisMother dead, and his father being stabbed in the chest. He was so stricken by fear that he couldn't move. He wasn't even sure if he was breathing. The man turned to see him and smiled. A smile that sent chills down the boy's back. The man cut him on the face, and told him that he wasn't worth killing. kicked him where he layed and walked away, with that smile on his face. The boy lay there crying and bleeding After he woke up the next day, he washed the blood off his face. The memories of the night before still fresh on his mind. He swore he would take revenge on this man. He swore on his life he would slaughter the man like he slaughtered his parents. And he swore, he would have the same demented smile on his face, so that the man knew, this was his end, and that there was no remorse as he died. He wanted the man to suffer, and to fear him before he drew his last breath. So, the boy took up his knife his father had made for him, and his fathers sword. Packed up some food and left, burning down the home he had lived in all his life. And went out to find this man, and kill him. This boy dedicated his whole life. He threw away everything he wanted to be, and everything his parents wanted for him. All in the name of revenge. It drove him insane. He shut himself from everyone, and everything. Treating people like garbage and only using them if he saw they would be useful. He truly was a monster. He trained, every day with his knife and his farthers sword. And every time he

slept he dreamt of that night. Of the fear that had over come him. Of how weak he was. Of how he couldn't save them. He hated himself, and he hated what he had become in the name of revenge. But he still seeked this man to kill him, all the time he could feel himself die more and more inside. He hated the man for making him like this. For turning him into this monster. For ruining his life, for killing his parents. He hated this man's entire existence. And he let himself bask in this hate. He lashed out at those who tried to get close to him. He killed, to live. Even when he could have gone without he killed. And it didn't bother him. Everything in him was gone. It had died because of his obsession. Then one day, he found the man he had searched his whole life for. He found the man who had killed his parents,

the man he blamed for everything that had ever gone wrong in his life. He was old. He had grandchildren, and was living a happy life. He killed him, while he slept, making sure the man knew why he was dying, making sure he was scared beyond belief. He torchered the man's soul and broke him. Later, he saw the man's family, crying and weeping for the man. He thought to himself "Is it possible that he had changed? Was he truly sorry for what he did? Could it be that after all these years, he truly is a good man now?" Then he wondered what that makes him. Could he really have set out his whole life to kill a good man? Did he become the thing he hated most, only to find that he was worse?

He fell to his knees and his body shook uncontrolably. He wondered how many life's he had ruined. For all he knew this man had only ruined one life. And he has killed so many people, used so many people. Done such horrible things. He was enraged and ashamed of himself. How could he throw everything away, only to become worse than what he had set out to destroy? He took care of the loose ends. He spent the next years trying to fix what he had done wrong. He helped people. He made friends, he made family. He did everything to make those around him happy. And when he felt he was ready he turned himself in. He sat there, ready to be hanged, watching the faces of the people. The confused

faces. He knew that they didn't believe he could do the things he said he had done. And, then he saw the faces of those who knew, those he had hurt. The seemed so uncaring. He understood, and he just smiled, knowing that he deserved this. And he welcomed death, he wanted it to take him from this world. And release him from what he did wrong. When they asked him if he had any last words he simply said "I am sorry."And then watched as the world faded black before his eyes, knowing that his journey was at an end.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2012 ⏰

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