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Lord Voldemort: Join the dark side...We have cookies!

Lucius Malfoy: But Mi-lord, we have no cookies.

Lord Voldemort:*facepalm* Lucius, don't ruin the plan.

Bellatrix Leastrange: What plan, Mi-lord?

Ron Weasley: Did someone say cookies?

Draco Malfoy: Yes Weasel, if you join the Dark Side you get free cookies!

*And Ron joins the dark side*

Lord Voldemort: LOLOLOL, did he really think he'd get cookies?

Ron Weasley: But you said-?

Draco Malfoy: Weasel, you just got PUNKED!


Hello, my little lemon drops! It's been a while since I put up an author's note <_< I was wondering if you could give me one vote before i put up the next chapter...? Thanks! Also thanks to all my fans for fanning <3


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