Taken (Short Story)

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So, in my class we have to write a narrative story *rolls eyes*, of which, I'm horrible at.  I'm finished writing it, except for the epilogue.  So could you read it and give me some pointers on it? :/

A/N: I apologize in advance for the format errors, if you notice any or have difficulties.  I had to copy and paste this from my documents.



I  risked  a  glance  back  as  I  raced  down  the barren  street.   In  the  silence  of  the  night,  my  foot falls  sounded  much  louder  than  they  actually  were.  My  assailants  were  getting  closer  and  closer  with every  second  that  passed.   I  could  see  the  safe haven  farther  down  the  street.   I  focused  in  on  it, and  despite  the  burning  in  my  legs,  I  pushed  on farther.   The  attackers  were  practically  on  my  heels now.

I  turned  left  and  ran  onto  the  lawn  of  the house.   I  could  feel  one  of  the  aggressors  grab  a hold  of  my  shoulder.   I  whipped  around  punched him  in  the  stomach.   He  grunted  loudly  and  bent down,  it  was  all  the  time  I  needed  to  take  the porch  steps  two  at  a  time  and  throw  myself  into  the door  of  the  house.  

3 Weeks Prior


I  looked  down  at  my  worn  through  Converse.  I  noticed  Shelby  glancing  at  them  as  well.

“Well,  I  have  to  go, Char.”  Shelby  mumbled.   She stood  up  from  the  stone  steps  and  dusted  her jeans  off.   She  shoved  her  hands  in  her  pockets and  walked  away.   Her  silhouette  grew  smaller  as she  walked  towards  the  setting  sun.  

Dusk  followed  soon  after  and  I  pushed  myself off  the  steps  and  walked  towards  home.   It  got dark  rather  quickly,  and  thus  I  began  to  jog  home.   The  street  lights  flicked  on,  but  did  little  to  shed  light  on  the  darkness  that  surrounded  me.  

It was eerily quiet, although I thought I heard footsteps behind me, but I dismissed it.  About half a mile from home, the steps sounded louder and closer.  I was starting to feel nervous, but avoided looking back.

    My gut was telling me to run.  When I turned onto the next street, a damp white cloth was pressed over my nose and mouth.  A sweetish smell filled my lungs.  I began to feel light-headed, and my knees wobbled beneath me.  After a couple minutes, I fell forward into the street, and was slowly engulfed by blackness.


    I woke up I don’t know how long afterwards.  Although the room was dark, I had a pounding headache.  After my eyes became accustomed to the dark, I noticed a figure sitting in the corner, his eyes gleaming in the darkness.

I realized my arms were tied with a thick rope behind me, and my legs bound as well.  

    When I mustered enough courage, I asked “Where am I?”

    He didn’t respond, he simply smirked and stood up.  He strode over gracefully, and leaned down until his face was level with mine.  

    “I’m afraid I can’t answer that.” He answered, his voice low and smooth.  I glowered at him.

    He stood up and dusted his pant-legs off, and walked out of the room.  The brief flash of light from outside made my headache all the more worse.    

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