ocean Prison

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The next four weeks were going to be rough she could tell by the tone of the Valvidiers voice. Alot of interigations alot of pain and it would all end in the same sentance. A slow and painfull death in a colonial prison. Being exposed to radiation left over from the worlds nuclear age. The prisons creater was very young only in his hundreds. Egypt figured he must have seemed old to the people back when he made the prison at age seventy, but realy he was only in his prime. The SSA had perserved human life for hundreds of years and now a days the average Worldian lived to the ripe old age of three hundred. The SSA or Stablizing Systimatic Anilizer slowed human growth dow so that for every ten years you aged only five. Egypt strugled to see over her sholder to git a better look at her inmates but all she could make out in the darkness was her best friend Ira's green eyes glowing in the dark. He had been her work partner since she started in the trade back when she was only twenty years old. He was a Animalian not pure human or pure animal but a mixture of both. Back before the experimantal sanctity of life law was passed only a year ago prohibiting cloning for good. There had been a series of experiments done on human and animal fertilization. But when the company when bankrupt over three centurys ago all the young that were produced were given to infertial familys. Ira's parents were quite happy to have a child even if he were an Animalian but some familys were not so happy. The children that were half cat somtimes had violent tendancys and the half fish had a higher suicide rate than any other Animalian. The parents didn't know what to do so some of them sent the kids out on the street others sent them to The Acadimy, a group of schools for troubled children to become soldiers. In the end it just produced alot of fights and unhappy kids. 

Egypts two other companions Latoya and Ora had been caught crossing the border before they had met at there rondevu point and she was trying not to worry. With any luck Ora had her shelid with her and they were able to wipe the borderpatroles mindes and gotten away safely Otherwise they had been killed onsight with an old fashoned shot gun. Planet border patrole was tough unless you had permisson from the Kora or a travleing pass from headquarters you couldn't get by. The elected Kora or world president at the moment was a strict woman by the name of Clee and she wanted earth to be the most secure planet in the quadrent. After the T-22 terrorist attack she said every percaution was nessisary. She orderd the relocation of over a billion alian residents to the man made moon Eden. It was about the same size as the moon but orbited in a wider arc around both the moon and earth. A 

A guard came by and roused Egypt from her thoughts he planted a telepathic unit on the side of her exposed neck.Get up you and your companion are to be taken to cell three in the colonial prison do not struggle or you will be killed.She could see Ira already standing next to him.His red hair had come out of its usually neet ponytail and his ears were pricked up as of he were listening for somthing. Egypt followed the gaurd to the elivadore and as they lowerd she could here the ocean hatch(a medal covering over the entire ocean) open up and the water splash up and around them. The ride down will take an hour please stey were you are. The guarde started putting on the radiation safe suit that was hanging on the wall. He didn't bother to offer Egypt or Ira the other two suits.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2014 ⏰

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