Chapter 12 Damon P.O.V

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© fran1234 all rights reserved

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Chapter 12 Damon P.O.

Damon p.o.v

"Hey Mr tall freak, you do realise I can't walk as fast as you can right?" A voice shouts disturbing the silence of the hall.

I turn around naturally, since I'm quite tall. It was April speed walking down the hall.

We make eye contact, with a look of determination, she continues and grimaces at something in my direction. I'm pushed off my feet, tripping as my mates nudge me and pointing at her.

"I wasn't talking to you, Damon, in case if you were wondering" she says quickly, walking past us and travelled down the hall.

"Whoa dude. You know her? She's hot" Wilson exclaims looking at her ass the whole way.

"That's April you idiot" I say quietly, and he's out of his trance, just like that.

"Wh-what?" He stuttered " Thats her? man she's changed".

I only nod, not able to give a verbal response. She really has changed.

"Wait, was she the girl that was your childhood friend?" Lawson asks, his eyes trailing after April.

"Yeah that's her" Will replied before I could muster a response " She used to be such an easy target, now it'll be hard to break her barrier she's cast".

Guilt starts to form in the pit of my stomach, it was all my fault that she made herself unreachable and the barrier she's developed over the years, her protection, her rock. It was for the best, what I did, but she'll never understand why it has to happen.

The bell rings, and the hall starts to clear out. Us being us, started walking when the final bell rang. We forgot that we have sport, which is on the other side of the science labs.

As we pass them, Mr Kent appears out of thin air and strides alongside us.

"Late as usual, eh boys?" He smirks earning a playful glare from me.

Mr Kent's like us, always rocking up late to his classes and he backs us up when we're late and us to him.

"Can't say the same about you though" Wilson jokes walking ahead.

Mr Kent laughs brushing the remark off. "Don't be too late boys" with this last remark he enters one of the science rooms.

When we enter gym coach Dale gives us a glare that would make the grinch ball his eyes out but us being us, dismiss it without a second thought.

"Boys, 50 push ups NOW'" coach Dale snarls before returning to teaching his class bullshit, which is actually our class too. Man, we endure enough of him at training and this is a black hole.

"It's always us" Lawson pants as we do our push ups. Well half push ups. Who can be bothered when we have to do another 50 at the end of the day? Us that's who.

This day better be over soon.


"Who?" I asked for the second time.

"A guy that will be draping himself over the lead singer of the band" came the answer out of the receiver "He used to be one of us and you are assigned to him. You know what to do if anyone gets in the way. Leave no trace." with that the call ended.

Ok. So I get stuck with a mysterious person. No file, no name, no nothing! I swear I don't know why I do this, sure it earns me a bit more cash but my life is always laid on the line. I sigh grasping my hair in annoyance.

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