Poisoned Apple

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 Hi! I've dedicated this to aallyouneedislove because she is amazing nand so funny. She has a couple of stories so check them out. I don't expect anyone to read this, but if you do, please vote and/or comment. It means a lot and doesn't take much of your time. Thank you so much. If I reieve a couple of votes and comments I will be so happy!!!!! THANKS GUYS! Love you and happy wattpading! Ps. Sorry if this note is tiny. I couldn't figure out how to make it bigger! :) I love you guys!!! I'll fan, read, comment and vote anyone who, fan, reads, comments, votes me!!! PROMISE!!!

Lauren? Honey, we're going to be late if you don't come down.”

Alice Baker's calming voice called to me through the closed door of Her daughter's bedroom. Lauren looked around and sighed. She was nowhere near ready to go, having packed a grand total of 3 things. She heard her mother walking up the stairs and quickly picked up some clothes that she wanted to bring and shoved them into the suitcase to avoid a lecture. Alice opened the door and looked around the room. She looked at her daughter sceptically and Lauren could see that she wasn't fooled by the 5 items of clothing the young girl had added since she last checked up on her about an hour ago.

“ I was.... in the bathroom?” Lauren said weakly. Her mum just shook her head at her and tutted.

“For a whole hour? I think not. Look, Lorrie, I understand that you are upset about moving away from Courtney for 2 months, but look on the bright side. We'll be living in the house where your grandma's sister used to live in before she...passed away.” Alice hated talking about great-aunt Katie. She had died in some kind of freak accident, and no-one ever talked to Lauren about it.

“Mum! Don't call me Lorrie! It's so embarrassing!” And don't you worry. I'll finish packing fine!” Lauren said, changing the subject. She understood that her mother didn't want to talk about such morbid things on such an exiting day.

Lauren and her mother were spending the summer holidays in an old town somewhere far away. The house they were going to live in had belonged to Katie, Grandma's sister. Lauren was exited to be leaving, and she looked forwards to the house, but she wasn't looking forwards to leaving her best friend, Courtney Davis behind for 2 whole months. Mums didn't understand what could happen to friendships in such a long time. Courtney, could decide that Lauren wasn't such a good friend after all and ditch her, or she could become more distant and meaner, or even worst become friends with the school's popular minion, Michelle. Lauren's thoughts were interrupted by her mother saying

“ Alright, but you better get moving, Lorri-I mean Lauren.”

Lauren smiled.

Her mum could be really understanding and cool sometimes and all of her friends loved her. The two girls could be best friends one day and enemies and Lauren loved that kind of relationship. It made her feel like she always had someone to confide in, no matter what. She had done so quite a lot in the past years, like that time when Lauren was being bullied. It was in Prep and a bunch of Grade 3 boys and girls had been mean to her, teasing and getting her to say mean things to her friends. She told her mum before it got too serious, and quickly solved the problem. That was how she met Courtney, who had stood up for her when she saw the bullies being mean to Lauren. Since then, the two girls had been inseperable. From school trips to shopping in te mall or soccer try-outs, the two girls had been there for each other and loved having private joke conversations (conversations in which they would crack private jokes in front of strangers and carry on their conversations like that.) Everyone knew that they were bff's and they hadn't even had a single fight. It was a perfect friendship and the two girls were made for each other!

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2012 ⏰

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