Chapter 2:

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~*~*~Chapter 2:~*~*~*

  I walked down stairs, dragging myself literally. I hated Mondays. They were the true definition of hell. Okay maybe not. I heard the faint sound of laughter erupt from the kitchen. I walked around the corner looking right at him. His emerald green eyes wandered up to me. He didn't stop laughing, but slowly his laughter died, leaving a beautiful smile. I couldn't help but notice he was shirtless, and in a pair of shorts. He was very toned, and he seemed to not be embarrassed.

  My brother shot up from the dinning room chair, "Sam, uh, this is Olive."

"Hey." He nodded, still smiling. I  couldn't help but blush a little. " Yeah, I've seen you around school. You're on the volleyball team, right?"

"Yea." I said softly, looking down to my hands.

"She promised to not tell my parents, so you can still stay here." He said raising his eyes brow to me.

"I never promised." I said rolling my eyes, as I walked to the refrigerator getting the orange juice out. "Where are mom and dad, anyways?"

"They left for work early."

I poured a glass of orange juice, and walked back to my room. I took a sip, before setting the glass onto my desk. I opened my closet, and rummaged through the articles of clothing. It seemed as if I could never find something to wear. I pulled out a blue cardigan and a pair of black skinny jeans.

I looked out the window, pulling my curtains to the side, I looked over at the clock in a panic...

'No.' I murmured under my breath, as I slung my back pack over my shoulder, and stuffed my phone into my back pocket. I ran down the hallway, turning a sharp right, and hit something hard. I was knocked to the floor. I looked up at Sam. "Move." I said, as he pulled me to my feet. I ran outside just in time to see my bus go down the street. Great. I missed the bus..again.

"Wait." I called out, but the wind swept my voice away.

"Don't worry little sis, you can ride with us."

I looked between them both. You have got to be kidding me. "Well come on. Let's not be late."

We all went to my brother's car. I opened the passenger's door, but Sam sat in the seat. "Hey, I always sit there." I huffed.

"You can sit in the back." My brother said, as he highfived Sam. They're so immature. I opened the back door. The car smelt horrible. The back was where they always threw their dirty socks, footballs, and their uniforms. It smelt like a sweaty foot. I made a face as I sat down, I tried not to inhale the toxic boy fumes.

"Your face is going to get stuck if you keep making that face." Sam said smiling.

You would think living with Owen, I would be used to his boy funk, but surprisingly not. I readjusted my face a little, but I did start to blush. Allie was talking about how David made her blush. Why is Sam making me blush? I have never even had a conversation with him.

School wasn't that far away, so that meant I could escape this death trap. As soon as we pulled up to Rosewood High, I flung the door open, hung my head out and inhaled vigorously. "Stop being so dramatic." Owen rolled his eyes.

"Don't tell me I'm being dramatic, you try sitting back there, and-" I stopped talking, as I realized he lives in his own filth. I sighed and shook my head. I smelt something heavenly, musky, and sweet. It was Sam, he walked by, and a gust of wind captured his colon sending a cloud of it in my face. He didn't smell at all like sweat, boy funk, or dirty socks. I sighed at the smell. He smelt so..dreamy.

I looked around until I spotted Allie. She ran over to me, pulling me by my arm. "Why did Sam get out of the car with you and your brother?" She asked curiously. As much as I wanted to tell her, I decided if I wasn't going to tell my parents, might as well not tell her.

"He needed a ride that is all."

"Oh, so what about David?" She said looking at me innocently, with a little anxiety.

"You should go talk to him."

"No, I can't."

"Let's go find him. I'm sure you can."

"No. Never mind."

"We are finding him."

I scanned the crowd of seniors, sophomores, and back over again, until I found him. David was leaning against the school building talking to some of his friends. "He's over there." I nudged her. "Now go."

"What do I say?"

"Well first say hi."

"No I mean like to keep the conversation going?"

"Talk to him about his interests. I know you stalked his Facebook probably one hundred times." She blushed, as she tried to deny it. "No."

I gave her a little push, "Go, talk to him." She slowly but surely went to talk to him. He greeted her with a smile, and they both started talking. I sat down under the tree infront of the building, as I opened up my book Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare.

I peered over my book, as I seen Sam and my brother carry their football gear to the gym.


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