Chapter Twenty One: Too Stubborn

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It was midnight by the time the others got back. Dayna and Alex were with them which surprised me. Alex seemed completely fine when she entered the room, although she seemed a little cautious of what is going on. Niall and I were just watching a game of soccer and Niall tried so hard to explain the game to me but I still didn’t understand it all. Nialls excitement when his team got a goal was cute, he was so happy and his face just lit up. Boy he likes soccer.

“Hi, what’s up love birds?” Harry asked as soon as he saw us sitting together on the couch. Luckily I don’t have work tomorrow Drake said it was fine that I didn’t come in so it’s okay for me to be up late tonight, usually I’m stuffed by now.

“Niall is trying to teach me the rules of soccer.” I say giving Harry a wink.

“And how is that going?” Liam asks.

“Terrible! She’s useless!” Niall says throwing his hands ups. “Anyways, Alex how are you?” Niall turns around and takes in the scene behind us.

“Yeah, I’m good thanks to Ellie. I still feel a bit stupid for what I did though.” Alex says quietly looking down at her hands. “But oh well I’m alive aren’t I!” I held back a laugh at her recent comment. She has a humour alright.

“That’s good to know.” Niall says with a laugh that doesn’t end for a while. I whack his arm and give him a look and he stops laughing.

“Well Dayna and Alex are going to stay here tonight seeing as they were supposed to go back with their friends but that’s not possible anymore.” Harry says looking at Dayna and Alex.

“SLEEPOVER!!!” Louis yells and runs up the stairs and returns with a handful of pillows. “What are you all just going to stand there?! Help me get some more pillows and blankets, maybe a few mattresses!” Harry bolts upstairs and Niall joins them only to shout back at us “LIAM STAY WITH THE GIRLS!!!” I look back over at the girls and they are smiling.

“So how do these sleepovers usually work? Are there several games of Truth or Dare and Spin the Bottle?” Alex jokes. I giggle as Dayna looks shocked and whacks Alex on the arm. I’m guessing their versions of those games are explicit.

“Who knows, we’re usually too busy to have sleepovers with friends, this is probably our first! Ellie you’ve corrupted us already!” Liam says winking at me.

“This sleepover is just going to make this house more messy.” I say giving Liam an eye-roll.

“Louis can clean it up.” Liam says.

“I aint cleaning up any shit! Fuck I make it, not cleaning it!” Louis says as he joins us in the lounge room dumping another load of pillows and blankets. Alex and Dayna burst into fits of laughter and I just roll my eyes. Niall and Harry join us with even more pillows and blankets. They set them down on the floor and without warning they start shifting the couch that I’m still happily sitting on. Once the shifting finished I get off the couch and start organising the pillows and blankets. There are so many that I start to use some of the cushions for us to lay on, Alex comes and helps me.

“I just wanted to thank you again for rushing to my aid. I still feel so stupid for doing that, I usually do it every weekend but it’s never gotten so bad before. I thought this weekend, well tonight was going to be like every other outing. But seriously thank you!” Alex says giving me a sincere smile.

“No problem. Alright so what are we going to do with these left over cushions?” I ask picking up a cushion and being the weird one I am I examine it.

“We could have a pillow fight…” Alex says distantly.

“No I mean where can we put them there’s just too many!” I say chucking the few surrounding me up in the air.

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