Round #2

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Your characters are in the position that they’ve secured-ish the hotel as their base of operations.

So what happens next? Well that, my friend, is up to you…

What will happen in this chapter though, is that your characters will go out on their first ‘run.’ Be it for food, water, fuel… Whatever you think your characters are in most desperate need of.

Here’s the twist… The first place you encounter has been stripped bare… almost. In the kitchen cupboards you find one single tin of peaches, perfectly intact, by itself on a shelf. And in one of the bedrooms, a young child who looks to be about four years old. Still alive—though barely. One tin of peaches won’t last long for your group – if you decide to touch it at all. Your “away team” has some decisions to make.

Meanwhile, those characters still at the hotel (it must not remain undefended, after all) take the time to explore the hotel and/or grounds a little more and discover there’s more than meets the eye about this place. Rumour has it that it used to have a sixth wing. Your main character’s life now depends on a bet as to whether that’s true or not.

You have until Midnight BST on Sunday, May 4th, to write a maximum of 5,000 words. 

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