First mission part 5: Just holding him makes my head spinn!

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Me: so...How does it feel to be dead?

Gaara: Eh... I'm not sure, maybe empty and dark.

Me: Wait, if that how it is...OH...MY...FUCKING...GOAT! I'VE BEEN DEAD *_*

Gaara: I don't think you've been dead so just calm down.

Me: *_*

Gaara: Hello, are you okay?

Me: *_*

Naruto: Hey Gaara, what's up? And what's with Anita-neesan?

Gaara: I just told her how is to be dead, and she believe that she has been dead!

Naruto: I should that her to granny Tsunade! Can you do the disclaimer?

Gaara: Yeah, sure. She doesn't own Naruto.


I heard some explosions both ahead of me and back at the hideout but I can't see what's causing it. I just hope that Sakura and granny Chiyo are okay. I feel bad for leaving them alone, but I don't think I would be able to help them as much as I can help Kakashi-san. I'm the only one on our team who has seen Naruto with the cloak, and from the looks of it could reappear anytime now.

I've been chasing after Naruto and Kakashi for a kilometer hoping to catch up with them. How much further away is Deidara planing to lure Naruto away? I suppose he's trying to get rid of Kakashi-san. Bam! I saw a big smoke screen about 300 meter ahead. This must mean that I'm close. I saw Naruto just standing there.

"Hey, Naruto whatcha doing? And were's Kakashi-san?"

"Kakashi is trying to pull of some kind of jutsu with his sharingan, and he told me to stay back just in case."

Right there I saw Kakashi manage somehow to destroy Deidara's other arm. Ha, serves him right. I started follow after Kakashi and Deidara. Naruto followed after me.

"Naruto, Since Kakashi-san is getting week cause of the jutsu he's pulling of I got an idea to help him. You attack That blond idiot, and fight him. While I make a clone that can take care for Kakashi, and I will personally get Gaara out of that freaking weird bird just for you"

"Okay," he starts to go faster.

"And Naruto! Don't get to hotheaded! Kay?"

He just gave me a thumbs up and went ahead again.

"Shadow clone jutsu!"

Then four clones appeared. One went to go check on Kakashi-san.  I followed after Naruto who chopped the head of the bird with his rasengan. I manage to get the head before it hit  the forest floor. I manage to get Gaara out, and I looked over at Naruto who seems not to wanna go.

"Go, Naruto! I can take care of him! You just go and make that bastard pay!"

He went unwillingly off to find Deidara. I laid Gaara carefully down on the branch that we were on. I supported his head by placing it gently in my lap. I stroke his hair it'd so soft and silky. I noticed that he doesn't have any eyebrows, but that made him more handsome. I saw that Temari was right we do have the same Kanji! I smiled. What is this feeling? Cause everytime I touch him I feel this weird feeling in my stomach just like something was tingling inside. I saw he had marks under his eyes that indicted a great lack of sleep  just as I have. From my point of view it seems that we may have something in common.

I watch Naruto's fight as it went on. He got more and more pissed for every second that went past. Deidara manage to hide so Naruto couldn't find him, and then it happen the reed chakra came out of Naruto. Shit the cloak is emerging. I looked over at Kakashi-san and wen I saw the look on his face I knew Pervy-sage had told him about the incident. Why haven't he done something the second tail is now emerging!

"Kakashi, do something!"

He jumped down from the tree, and my shadow clone that was next to him disappeared. I saw he tired to find a way to get close to Naruto, but that was easier said than done. And now the third tail is showing shit!

"Kakashi!!! You have to do it now or we be done for it!"

At that time Kakashi manage to put the seal paper on Naruto's forehead just as Naruto did with me earlier. It was just Kakashi and Naruto on the opening in the forest while I was at one of the surrounding trees with Gaara. Gaara! I looked down at him again. He looks so peaceful. I wonder how it feel being dead. Just thinking that he's dead made it hurt badly in my chest why? Why, I don't have any wounds that should make this great pain. I've seen many dead faces, and I've never felt this before so it can't be normal. Ah! I've got it! I'm maybe sick! I placed my hand on my forehead, but everything I touch feels warmer than normal cause I have unnatural cold hands. I should droop by the hospital to get a check just in case.

I saw Naruto who was on all fours on the ground. I saw that he tied his fists and hit one hard in the ground. Then Sakura and granny Chiyo came. I suppose they manage to kill Sasori. I feel bad for granny Chiyo cause after what I've heard Sasori was her grandchild. But I'm glad they are okay.

Sakura saw me and Gaara, and I knew what she was thinking. I just shook my head, and she nodded. Suddenly these noises came and we saw Deidara came, and he was followed by team Guy. So they manage to take care of the trap they were in that's good.

Then I saw eat some clay from the ugly bird, and he began to chew. It looks like he's swelling up.

"Ho no!" I heard Neji say.


Oh crap! I quickly got the Kazekage's body, and I was just getting in the air when I felt the heat on my right leg. Then the sting, Bicth that hurt so fucking much!! Kakashi manage to take away the explosion before it could hit anyone else. We got away thinking it's finally over. Both the Akatsuki is dead.

We got to a open field, and I let Gaara carefully down on the ground, and just as I did when we were on the branch I putted his head on my lap.


I hope you guys like it, cause it took me longer time to write it than I expected ^^ please comment and vote ^^

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