Chapter 8 (Part 1/2)

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I hopped onto the red bus that would be taking us to our hotel, I looked around to see if I could find Niall, I spotted his blonde hair and ran over to him, I was planning to sit with him but when I arrived the seat was already taken by...Kayla.

"Sorry Rach! I promised Kayla I would sit with her she doesn't have any friends and I don't want her to be alone."

I forced a smile and walked to the end of the bus and sat with Liam. I sat down on the blue cushioned bus seat beside Liam.

"Aren't you going to sit with Niall?" he asked surprised.

"No, he's sitting with Kayla." I said quickly. Liam and I didn't talk for the whole bus ride, and the whole time I could hear Kayla and Niall having a good time.

When we got off the bus Kayla walked up to me and said "Hi Rachel!"

"Hey Kayla" I said back forcing a smile.

"Sorry to ask this but do you know if Niall has a girlfriend? I really like him, he's such a sweet guy!"

"Sorry, but that spots taken." 

"Oh really? Well then I feel bad for her, because he will be mine soon, good thing your not his girlfriend Rachel I wouldn't want to become your rival since you seem like a nice person." She said with a smile on her face.

"Well that's to bad because I just happen to be his girlfriend" I said without hesitation with a smirk on my face and walked away.

Was this girl seriously trying to steal Niall away from me? Niall would never leave me for another girl.

The teachers called us and told us to get into our groups. Liam, Harry, Tegan, Zayn, Sammie, Niall, Kayla and I all met up and the teacher told us the rooms we would be staying in.

Me, Tegan, Sammie, and Kayla would all be staying in one room, and Zayn, Liam, Harry, and Niall would be in the one next door.

We all went to the bus to grab our luggage off the bus, I pulled out both of my purple suitcases, and then everyone else grabbed theirs, we all walked inside the hotel and then walked to the elevator. Kayla pressed the up button and we waited for the elevator to come.

Once the elevator arrived we all grabbed our suitcases and walked in.

"What floor are we on?" Zayn asked while he was waiting to press a button.

"6th floor!" Sammie said.

Zayn pressed the button and then the elevator started to move. Kayla was looking at me from the corner of her eye and to be honest it was creepy, the elevator stopped and we all walked out.

"What's our room numbers?" Harry asked.

"You guys are in 405, and us girls are in 404 I'm pretty sure our rooms are right down the hall." We pulled our suitcases and walked to our room. Sammie opened our room door and we walked into a room with four single beds, a bathroom, an old broken down TV, and a couch in the corner. I threw my suitcases onto a random bed and collasped onto the bed.

"I'm so jet-lagged." I said.

"I know right" Sammie said while falling onto her bed.

Kayla just quietly walked to a bed and started unpacking her stuff without saying a word. Weird she seemed to talk alot on the bus. I ignored it and quickly fell asleep.

I woke up a few hours later and it was 6:36pm, I saw that I had gotten a text and checked it. 

"Teach said we could go where we want for the rest of day, let's go out somewhere! Meet me in front of the hotel in 40 minutes." said the text from Niall.

I quickly grabbed my new white dress from my suitcase and put it on, I added my lucky charm necklace, and then I quickly curled my hair and put on my makeup. By the time I was finished getting ready 35 minutes had already gone by, I grabbed my jacket and then quickly went downstairs to meet up with Niall.

"Hey! Sorry I'm a bit late" I said as soon as I saw Niall.

"Woah..You look..."

"what?" I asked curiously.

"You look beautiful my princess!" he said winking then grabbing my hand.

"So where to my prince?" I asked while giggling.

"How about we get some food? There's a restaurant down the corner."

"Typical Niall wanting food! Let's go the last thing I ate was that horrible airplane food."

We walked to a french restaurant that was right around the corner and we got in right away luckily we got their in time. We sat down at a table by the window, we were on the second floor of the restaurant and from there we could see a beautiful scenery and the sun setting, our table had a peach scented candle and the room was lightly lit up. Our waitor came and gave us our menu.

"So what would you like to get? It's all on me." Niall said with his adorable smile on his face.

"I can't let you pay for this Niall, it's so expensive!" I said while looking at the menu.

"Come on Rach, just let me treat you for once."

"Fine, but I'm not letting you spend to much money on me."

"Ok, ok, want to share some frog legs?   "

"Sounds good me!" I said cheerfully.

The waitor came and we took our order about a half an hour later our food came, we ate it, we chatted and laughed it was perfect by the time we finished our food it was already dark out.

"Should we go back to the hotel now?" I asked Niall.

"I have one more place I want to take you." Niall said with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Where?" I asked curiously.

"It's a surprise." he said while blinfolding me.


Sorry it took me forever to post this chapter! I had no inspiration to write it, but I got alot of inspiration yesterday and ideas so look forward to part 2! :) feedback? ~

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