Chapter 2 - Meeting The King

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Now, this chapter is dedicated to RoughDraftHero also one of the amazing writers here! I was and still obsessed with her Demons of the Heart. If you haven't read it, then go! Now! It's the best, I swear!

Thank you to my dear friend and Twin, Gwyn, for Beta-ing this chap, again! She's good at it.

Okay, now, moving on to the next chapter!

Enjoy! :)



"Naaaaaaaate~ Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate~ Naaaaaaaathaaanieeeel~"


"What?" I finally removed my earphones only to be faced by my two best friends, Alice and Alex.

We were sitting by the waiting area inside the airport. Thank God for aircons because summer in the Philippines is so not great.

"Man, what time is he arriving, Nate? Jesus, it's already past one." Alex groaned, slumping back on his seat in a childish manner.

"I dunno, okay? Maybe his flight got delayed." Yeah, and I hope his father decides to let him stay in Germany instead.

"Gooooood! This is so -"

"Annoying, I know." I cut Alice's words off and went back to reading and ebook on my phone - The Murder Farm by Andrea Maria Schenkel.

"I thought you don't read ebooks," Alex muttered beside me.

"I don't. But I have to. Forgot the actual book at home," I replied. He only shrugged, going back to what he was doing.

I heard Alice shuffle in her seat before saying, "What if he doesn't come, Nate?"

"Oh," I said. I frowned at her worrying about a guy we haven't even met yet. Hell, we don't know anything about him. Not even his name. "Too bad. Such a waste, then." Cue sarcasm.

"C'mon, Naty~" The hell? Naty? Where did that come from? "Maybe he's not really a jerk. Maybe he's nice."

I just stared at the both of them with a bored and plain expression on my face. I'm not in the mood to argue with Alice right now. Not with a headache and 4 hours of sleep.

Alex chuckled. I went back to reading again. "Leave him be, Alice. He's in one of those moments again."

"What moments?"

"Mood swings."


"Yes, oh."

"Okay, then." And she stopped buggering me.

I glanced at my best friends and hid a smile on my tired face. What would happen to me, really, without the help of these two?

I met Alex - Alexander Wilson (1/4 American), full name - way back when we were little. During our elementary days, Alex was always the bully-magnet. He was a chubby kid with a messy hair and snot covered his little nose. Kids would throw erasers or pencils at him during classes and called him a fat-arse. Meanwhile, I was the skinny boy (still am) with the big and nerdy glasses. There wasn't wrong with my eyes, y'know. I just liked wearing them. I looked smart with it. Well, I thought, I looked smart with it.

Sad to say, the big and nerdy glasses didn't make me look smart at all. I looked dumb and pathetic. Other children would mock and insult me. They'd call me names and stuff. And, being bullied was particularly the reason why and how Alex and I became the bestest of friends.

Then, by some like magic or whatver shit happened, as we grew up, Alex changed. Physically. Okay, it was puberty. The baby fats were now gone and were placed my well-toned muscles. For short, he's hot. He now stood 6 ft. while I was just about 5'10. Can you believe that? I was taller than him! Was.

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