(2) Slowly Falling in Love with You - The First Day

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Hey there readers =D! I know this chapter's quite long, I wanted to get most of the background in before the actual story begins (>=D) so...yeah...what do you think? I'll post the cast list soon-ish...until then, you know you wanna comment/vote ^o^! Hehe


"My house is literally 15 mins from here...so there is really no point in getting in the car. You might as well just tell me here now," I said, crossing my arms and refusing to move.

"Look, just get in the car. I don't want my friends or my girlfriend's friends to see us and suspect me of doing something that I wasn't!" he said, walking over to me and pushing me into his car. Real nice guy ain't he? Note sarcasm.

He quickly got into the driver's seat and started the engine.

"So, you really don't remember anything?" he asked.

"I told you, it's a complete blank!" I said, irritated.

"Alright, chill, just making sure," he said, muttering something after it, but I couldn't quite catch it over the wind.

"So...what did you want to talk about?" I asked, wanting to get this over and done with as soon as possible. I have a bath waiting for me at home and I want to be in it!

"Parts of yesterday evening is coming back to me...and with you and your stomach cramp...I think...we..." he began. My eyes widened.

"No...it can't be...we couldn't have!" I gasped in horror. My first time and I have no recollection of it at all, and on top of that, it's with this guy?! This has to be some kind of sick joke.

"It's quite obvious. We wake up half naked next to each other in the same bed, then you have that stomach cramp...anyways, it's not like I wanted to, it was just a drunken mistake, nothing more," he said, giving me a dirty look.

"You think I wanted to?! Even if you were the last guy on earth, I still wouldn't want to with you!!" I shouted. "Stop the car!"

"What? Why?" he asked, slowing the car a little.

"Because I cannot stand to be near you for another second, just stop the car!" I shouted again. He didn't stop. I wriggled out of my seat belt and hopped over the door. The car was going at jogging speed, so it didn't really hurt when I landed on the pavement.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" he yelled. I turned back to see him staring at me as if I was some kind of mad woman. I ignored him and walked down the road. His car appeared in the corner of my right eye.

"Hey, are you alright?!" he asked. I carried on walking. After a few minutes he gave up. "Fine, be that way. I've told you what I wanted to tell you anyways."

With that, he drove off, not even looking back. I sighed in relief and carried on walking in a daze. I'm usually not a lightweight...I can take my drinks quite well...and only two shots? That's ridiculous. And on top of that...with that guy? Seriously? This has got to be some kind of joke. I ruffled my hair in frustration, trying to remember something, anything from last night. It was no use, there was a blank, literally a blank!

I snapped out of my daze when I found myself reaching for my keys in my bag and looking at a red door. Home...finally!

"Lana! Is that you?!" Mum called from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm home!" I said, taking off my purple pumps.

"I have to cover someone's shift at 8, can you make sure Andrew's home by 10?" she asked. Andrew's my 15 year old brother, he's 2 years younger than me and he has just discovered partying...underage partying...

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