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Wattpad Name: WintersGirl

Title of your first story on Wattpad: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

What inspires you to write: Everything. Every, single thing around me inspires me. Every one of my stories have something related to my life. But the FIRST thing that inspired me to START writing was my family and this princess book.

What is your favorite Genre: Teen Fiction

What made you choose your User name: I love Winter; it’s my favorite season of the year . . . And I’m a girl.

Do you plan to release more stories on Wattpad: Yes, I also have another account, too (WinterProminence) and released more stories there. I’m just trying to wrap up some more stories.

Link to your story that you would like to Advertise:

If you could Inspire your fans and fellow newcomers to Wattpad what would you say: Don’t write for the sake of popularity or for a single comment/vote. Write because you love it, because you can be set free, because it’s whole other world that is limitless to imagination. Write because there are no “impossibles”.

What is your dream for your stories here on Wattpad: My dreams? I wish for them to be known, but not entirely anyway. I just hope some people might relate to the characters I try hard to develop.

Interview with a fellow Wattpad Writer 2Where stories live. Discover now