Chapter 18

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A/N: My dears! I'm so sorry for the late update, it's almost 12a.m here but I managed to churn this out for you guys ;__; Thank you so much for the 100k reads (oh-gosh-I-can't-even-*dies*) I don't even know what to say—I mean I just sat there at stared and cried and cried this isn't even real. I must be dreaming.  


Chapter 18: Cold, Hot, and Kisses.

"W-oah...hey, you're hot." I heard Xander's voice, but it seemed to be coming from somewhere really far...

"H-Hot?" I mumbled, my lips feeling slightly heavier than usual.

"Chip! Shit—Rose! Gretel—"

He's too far away.


Chip's POV


When I woke up, the first thing I noted was the immense cold.

Strangely, I didn't remember feeling like that at all. It was warm, warm and comforting—somewhat like a sense of security.

As if stripped from my blanket, the cold was sudden and hard.

The note that registered in my brain wasn't: It's cold.

Instead, it felt something like: Something's lost.

And so I woke up.

I was in bed, tucked under a thin blanket that failed its purpose. My mind was muddled and blank—completely unable to remember what I was doing.

Then I heard soft murmurs outside the room.

"Joe! He's inside—"

"Got it, can you get him some water?"

I rose from the bed, not wanting to trouble that person, and placed my feet on the cold floor.

Standing up, I felt as though I was on a boat—the ground tipped precariously and I stumbled to the left, losing my balance.

Instantly, my knees gave in and I collapsed on the floor, clutching the pain in the side of my head.

The door flung open and someone rushed in.

"Chip! Are you okay? You shouldn't be moving around too much," A pleasant baritone voice sounded near my ear and I instantly recognized it as Xander's.

"I-I'm fine..." My head was terribly heavy, and I couldn't seem to find my center of balance.

"No you're not," I felt something warm and wet on my cold forehead, and Xander scooped me into his arms effortlessly.


"Stay still, I'm just carrying you back to bed. Joe's here to see you." Xander stated firmly, and proceeded to gently place me back on my mattress.

I licked my lips, realizing that they were rather dry. A strange thirst clawed at my throat.

Doctor Joe entered the room, knocking politely on the door.

"Ah, another little one who's sick eh? Must have caught it from the poor girl." Joe said light-heartedly, striding over to my bed.

Joe brandished a couple of items—including a stethoscope, a tiny flashlight, and a wooden stick.

"Open your mouth...say aa—"


"Hmm...okay turn around, lift the back of your shirt—"

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