Chapter 13: Grillin' Up Something

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"Sorry Zara."

I bang my head on my locker. Great.The one day my car's down and I don't have a ride. I know it is not my boyfriend's fault, football practice is just as important as work to him, it's just a pain in the ass when I rely on the truckman.

"You can borrow my truck if you want," Matt tries to compromise.

"No, it's fine. I'll figure out something," I grumble.

"You need a ride to work?" A new voice enters the scene. I turn to see none other than Jeremy Gilbert, backpack strapped over his shoulder.

It's been a month since the masquerade, and since then I have gone out of my way to avoid Caroline, Damon, Bonnie, Elena, Jeremy, pretty much everybody in that group except for Matt. Since the masquerade Matt and I have gone out almost every night since, becoming an official couple two weeks later. 

"Yeah, I have football practice during her shift and her car is broken." My boyfriend infroms, earning a hard stomp on his foot.

"I'd be happy to drive you. My shift is right after school," Jeremy says.

Of course it is.

I start to turn to head to my classroom as a sanctuary, but Matt blocks my path. "That would be great!"

So much for our partnership, Batman.

"Cool!" Jeremy says excitedly. "See you after school!"

Once he leaves, I sock my caped crusader boyfriend in the harm.

"Ow! Hey!"

"I can't believe you!" I cry out. "You know I am avoiding them!" 


I hold up my hand, silencing him. "You no longer my partner Batman. You are hereby fired."

He gasps. "Damn Catwoman!"

He called me Catwoman. He has a death wish. I walk away without another word, shunning him. 

"Oh come on! It was a joke!"


After school I try to rush out of seventh period and try to catch a cheerleader who could take me to work. No way am I letting Jeremy take me to work. 

"Zara!" Jeremy's voice calls out. I groan. The devil found me god dammit!

I turn around to deliver a fake smile. "Jeremy!"

"Hey! You ready?"

I hold back a sigh. "Okay."


Jeremy's POV

Towards the end of Zara's shift, I get a call from Elena.  "Hey."

"Hey, how is she?"

I look over to Zara, who's walking back to finish her shift and put away her apron. "She's ready to go."

"Invite her over Jeremy."

"I know Elena. Don't rush me please. She's afraid of us enough."

I can hear my sister sigh through the phone. "I know, but if you want whatever it is you want accomplished, you have to get her to this dinner."

"I know Elena!" She is so puushy sometimes. I haven't told her about John Gilbert and what he told me just yet, just that we had something important to tell Zara. Elena suggested a dinner party. It would be a chance for her not to be afraid, or being more afraid. I hang up and walk over to the hostess station. "Zare!"

I can hear her groan as she turns around. "Yes Jeremy?"

"It's getting late, would you like to come over?"

"No thanks."

"I bet you're starving."

"I work in a reszturaunt. Food isn't a problem."

I start to get frustrated. "Please Zara. "

"No. Now excuse me." She tries to walk away, drawing the last straw. I grab her and clamp a hand over her mouth and shove her in my car.

What the hell did I just do?

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