Mabel Jones

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Well, I'm going to be late for class again. I lazily drag my feet down the hallway to my next class. I walk in and stop to look for a seat.

"Miss Jones. You're late, for the 15th time this month. Do you have a reasonable explanation?" My teacher, Mr. Morestie, asks me. 

My eyes shoot up to meet his. "Yes, Doug, I do have a reasonable explanation." I state.

"Miss Jones, please call me by my last name. It's disrespectful to call me by my first name." He conplains.

"Well, you're disrespectful." I shoot back. The class snickers.

"Miss Jones... please don't make me give you detention..." He says, pretending like he's sorry.

"I can't make you do anything, Doug." I say, and over-pronounceate "Doug". The class snickers again and starts talking quietly among themselfs.

"Miss... Jones... Please, tell me what your "reasonable explanation" is. And please be respectful. I don't want to give you detention."

"My reasonable explanation is... that... my mom... she, uh... she got... umm..." I look around the class, trying to think of a "reasonable explanation".

"Fine. You really want to know what my "reasonable explanation" is, don't you? Well, my mom, she had to get dish soap. And that is why I am always late, Doug." The class broke out in uncontralable laughter. Mr. Morestie glares at me.

"Go on..." He says.

"That's it. That's all I have for you today, Doug."

He sighs. "Detention."

I sigh. "Fine."

I walk over to my chair, only to be tripped by the school bully, Dale. I get up and glare at him.

"Jerk." I mutter under my breath, before I make my way to my chair and sit in it.

Eight incomprehensibly long hours later:

I walk straight upstairs and flip my laptop open. I fling my small short body onto my bed. I feel something under my blankets that I'm laying on. I get up off my bed and fling my brown hair over my shoulder. I pull back the blankets to see what I was laying on and- 

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream, and sprint out of the room while still screaming.

I hear laughter coming from my bedroom. I stomp back into my room. Yes, my friends pranked me. And yes, I am deathly afraid of clowns.

"YOU KNOW I HATE CLOWNS!!!! YOU JERKS!!" I yell at my friends. They know that this is how I always act, so they just laugh harder. 

"Get. The. Stupid. Clown. Off. My. Bed." I command.

One of my friends, Maddie, walks over and takes the cardboard clown out of my bed.

"Thank you, Maddie." I flop back onto my bed. "What are you guys doing?"

"Eh' just pranking you." They say, and start laughing again, remembering what just happened.

We hang out for a while, before they all leave. I flop back onto my bed, watch a couple YouTube video's, then go right to sleep. Yes, sleeping is one of my talents. I'm very good at it, as you can imagine.

"Aww, look... she's looks so inocent while she's sleeping..." I hear one of my guy friends, Nathan, say. I pretend to be asleep, just to see what else they'll say.

"She's so cute!!" Another one says. Did he just call me cute? I can't help, but let a tiny, small, soft, smile creep upon my lips.

"Aww, she's smiling..." I hear Nathan say again. "I think she likes it when you call her cute."

"Hey cutey pie. How ya' doing with all that cuteness holding you down?" I suddenly burst out laughing, and accidentally smack Nathan's face.

"Ah, Nathan, sorry!!" I say and crawl over to where Nathan is, on the floor.

"Eh, that's okay. Want to go to the carnival?" He asks, looking up from where he lays.

 "Hmm... sure... but there better not be any clowns!" I warn, then grab some money and walk out the door with my friends right behind.

At the carnival:

"Ooh!! Let's go on that one!" I exclaim excitedly.

The others laugh and follow me around. We ride on the Ferris Wheel, The Zipper, The Carousel (because I am cool like that), Bumpercars, The Gravatron, Black Hole, Madhouse, and Tunnel of Love. 

A/N: Comment what your favorite carnival ride is.

We also went through the haunted house, where I kept clinging to Nathan because I get scared easily. I think he liked it though... I know I liked it...

We decide that five hours at the carnival is enough, and $53.50 is enough money to spend in one day, so we head home. We start our way home, but I hear footsteps behind me. Hmm... all my friends are ahead of me... I turn around to come face to face with a real life clown.

I scream in horror, and run as fast as I have ever run before, all the way back to my house. Well, I got my daily exersise in... I sprint upstairs to my room, jump into my bed, curl up into a ball, cover myself with my red and yellow blankets, and stay there for a LONG time. 

I hear my door creak open and I stop breathing. Please don't let him find me. I beg to no one in particular. The footsteps come slowly walking towards my bed. My blankets are slowly pulled back, to expose my face. But the clown is no clown at all. It's Nathan.

I don't say anything, but instead stare at him with my wide blue-grey eyes. It's getting dark outside now. I probably won't be able to sleep tonight.

"Aww, baby..." Nathan says softly, sits down on my bed, and engulfs me in a hug. I hug him back, and we just stay there for a while. My wide eyes start to get less wide, and I slowly, yet surely, slip off into a light sleep. He actually called me baby... Could he actually... like me? Ha... ha... ha... no... That would be impossible... 

"I love you Mabel." I hear him say, just as I fall into the dark depths of sleep.


Okay... How did you like it people? Please tell everyone you know about this book, because it really helps support the amazing people I'm writing about when you vote and comment. I have decided, that I am going to TRY to update this book... twice a week... Once on Saturday, and once on... Wednesday... Sound good? This is... Claire_201's chapter and character!! Now for the messages. :)

Message to readers about Claire_201:

Claire_201 is an amazing author!! She has over two hundred books, 138,411 votes, and 11,053 followers. So, she is practically a wattpad celebrity. So, I HAVE TALKED TO A CELEBRITY!!!! Haha, be jealous. ;) She writes so many great books, I love so many of them!! Well, I love all of the books that I have read. I haven't read all 200+... But go, read ALL of her books (you'll love them all), talk to her (cuz then you could have talked to a celebrity too), follow her, vote for her books, and comment on her books. I just want to say, she is an amazing person, as well as an author. She is so kind to make a character for this book. :)

Message to Claire_201:

YOU ARE AMAZING!! I hope you are doing better with... Dale... and all that stuff... I want to personally thank you for taking the time to create the character for this book. You're really cool, awesome, funny, sweet, nice, helpful, selfless, and amazing. :) I really am here for you (all) if you ever need/want anything. If there is anything I can do for you, just ask. Btw, you're really beautiful. :) I saw the picture of you on KBOD. :)

Grammer and spelling mistakes are... NoT mY fAuLt...!!!!!!! No, they are not... I actually have a "reasonable explanation" this time... My "reasonable explanation" is that... umm... my birthday... is... on the 15th... this Tuesday... :P So, you can't blame anything on me... because it's my birthday... Ha... LOL JK!!!!!! Lol like, come on, like, I would totally like, not do that... I mean, come on... Okay, switching out of weird teenage girl, and switching back to ME!!! Little ol' me... Anyways... important question that I am reluctant to ask... I... umm... nevermind... it was a bad question... Good bye everyone, and thank you for reading!!!!

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