now we get caught

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"ricky, if your second class then why do you eat in here?" i asked taking a big bite out of my bread

"a fight" he replied blankly

"oh ok" i said

"so , ricky , where were you last night?" emmet said cheekily

ricky blushed "where were you when me and jasper were forced into dresses?" ricky said smugly

a cheeky grin crossed his face "escaping" emmet replied

"what made you fall for this?" emmet said pointing at ricky

i felts my cheeks go red and i looked down at the table

why did i fall for ricky? well his eyes... they sent me off in a trace, his voice... his lush tone made me get all warm inside, his touch... it sent incredible tingles around body, and when he kissed me, it was like people were setting fireworks off inside me, and finally, his kindness... he is gentle,loving , caring, if a gun was pointed at my head and ricky was with me i would have a safe sensation with me

 ricky snapped his fingers in my face "hellooooooooooooo!!! earth to christy!!!"

i blinked hard "sorry"

"have you finished?" ricky asked

"yes" i replied, i wanted to be alone with him, i wasnt in the mood with food

ricky held out his and i took quickly, we went to the front deck and stared at the sky

the sun was still rising

ricky sat down on the bench and patted the bench for me to sit next to him

when i sat down ricky put his arm around me and i rested my head on his shoulder sighing

he gently kissed my head "i could spend all day like this , with you" he whisperd

"mmmm, i wish titanic never stops it's journey, so i can spend more time with you" i sighed squeezing his hand

his hand slowly traced my arm and kissed his shoulder

"what do you do in your spare time?" i asked him

"well when i'm not exploring i'm , well , sleeping" he said "theres nothing to do in my spare time, what about you?"

i groaned "i dont barely get spare time, but with the little time to be myself i read"

"look!" ricky yelled excitedly pointing up at the sky

i looked up to see what he was on about but his lips brushed against mine makig me burst into laughter

"cheeky bugger!" i yelled through the kiss

trumpets started playing loudly in 1st class and ricky stood up

"miss christy, will you care to dance" he said bowing down holding out his hand

"why of course you may!" i said taking his hand

we skipped around the 3rd class deck laughing

his smile warmed up my body and i shot him a wide grin

"your so beautiful when you smile" he cooed

ricky bent down and kissed me softly

the kiss quickly turned more passionate and i wrapped my arms around his neck

he pulled me closer not bothering to breath

"WHAT ON THE EARTH!" a fimiliar voice bellowed from above us

ben was hovering ovrer us , fuming

"b-ben!" that was all i could say, i was lost for words

"you know him?" ricky asked

"yes, thats ben, he aked my mother permission to marry me!" i whispered


my jaw dropped and ricky clenched his fist "i swear i will kill him" ricky whispered to me

ben dissapeared and for a second i thought me and ricky were safe but a minute later ben stormed into third class with brian and a tall muscly man

"how old are you?" ben asked ricky feircly

"19" he replied

"seperate them!" ben demanded "it's disgusting!"

i shot ricky and apologetic look

ben grabbed his shoulder and pulled him in a random direction

"ben! get off him!" i yelled

brian dragged me off to first class

"back to where you belong!" he yelled as he dragged me up the staircase

judgemental bastards! why cant i be with the man i adored?


Ricky's P.O.V

ben grabbed hold of my shoulder and pulled me in a random direction

"ben! get off him!" i heard christy yell

ben just sneered and kept on walking until christy was out of sight

he pinned me up against the wall

"look!" he spat " hands off christy! she is mine! i will marry her! what she see's in you, urgh , she was probally playing with you mind, get this in your small brain of yours, christy is 1st class and your 3rd class, they dont mix"

i could tell he was trying to act tuff which made me laugh

"whats so funny?" he asked

"you!" i blurted out

"pardon?" he asked confused

"you think your tuff, that you can  beat me up! well lets see you try!" i yelled at him

ben stepped towards me and shot a swing a my face

i caught his fist in my hand and twisted it back making him cry out

"oh and another thing! christy isnt judgemental like you, she is loving and caing and she shows respect to people less fortunate than herself!" i spat kicking him hard in the stomouch

with that i walked away, leaving him in pain

i was going to see her again, and nothing could stop me


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