(7) Slowly Falling in Love with You - 'I don't care'

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Heya =] woop another chapter done! hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote or leave a comment ;)


I looked at him worriedly as Noah just stood there in silence. I can’t believe I just blurted that out!! I don’t even know if I want it or not. Finally he moved a fraction, but didn’t look at me.

“Tristan...Tristan Phillips?” he asked quietly.

“I...it...well...it was an accident, we were both drunk and off our heads. I don’t even remember what happened,” I said, tears welling up. Finally something good happens to my life and Tristan is ruining it.

“Was he cheating on his girlfriend with you?” he asked, still not looking at me.

“I just told you, it was a mistake. I didn’t even know-,” I began but Noah interrupted me.

“It’s almost 6...I’ll drive you to the GP,” Noah said, making his way towards his car.

“Noah, I’m sorry. If I could change things, I would...but...” I started again but he turned around suddenly.

“I trust you,” he said, simply but clearly. I nearly choked when breathing in. Did he just say that?

“Huh...?” I said, confused.

“I trust you, I know you’re telling me the truth,” he replied.

“You...don’t hate me? You don’t think I’m a slut? You must hate me now since I have someone else’s baby inside me,” I said, tears falling out. I don’t even know why I’m being so emotional. Noah walked towards me and gave me a huge hug.

“I don’t hate you. You’re not a slut. And for your information, I still like you...a lot...,” he whispered in my ear. I could see his face blushing...I guess it’s typical for guys who don’t like to show emotion a lot.

“But...why...?” I asked.

“You’re funny, you’re pretty...I don’t know. I just feel something with you, and it feels right,” Noah said, shrugging his shoulders. “Come on, it’s almost 6 and it’s getting chilly.”

He took my hand and walked towards his car. How can I deserve someone like this? We strapped ourselves in and he started the ignition.

“So...what are you gonna do with the baby?” he asked, steering the car out of the parking space.

“Urm, I’m not sure yet. I know that it will be a problem if I keep it...but I don’t want to kill it either,” I said, looking down at my (still) flat tummy.

“Have you told your parents yet?” Noah asked.

“No...I’m a bit scared to...” I replied. I can just imagine what will happen. Dad will have a fit at me and Mum with have a mental breakdown. “You’re the first one I told.”

“I’m the first?! What about Reyna and Camille?” he asked, a bit taken aback.

“I don’t know why...I just told you first,” I said.

“So...Tristan doesn’t know either then,” Noah said. I shook my head. “Are you planning to tell him?”

“I don’t know...he’s got a girlfriend...I don’t really want to split them up,” I said. Yeah, I dislike Chloe and Tristan but I’m not gonna be blamed for their break up.

We arrived at the GP. I rushed in to reception and gave her my name. Then Noah and I went to sit in the waiting room. A few minutes later, Doctor Stevens came out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2013 ⏰

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