Chapter 2; And You Are...?

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  • Dedicated to Linda Peterson

“It’s locked.” I say as mother walks up beside me and presses a button on an intercom.

The box makes a whiny noise as the door clanks open.

“Security feature.” She says as she steps inside and starts to talk to lady behind a glass box.

This is like prison…. Or hell… No wait I’d take Hell any day of the week. At least I would be able to fight….

Mother then leads me to a building within a building and… yeah heheh I know weird huh?... We then go inside and meet an overly tan lady with curly bouncy hair sporting a body hugging black dress and purple salon tip nails. As I look at her walls, it’s covered mainly in motivational pieces and degrees ranging in child psychology to many years aboard in French mastery programs.

Counselor….. she must be…

“Hi,” she says all perky, like her boing-boing hair, “I am Mrs. GracyMay. I’ll be your counselor and I’ll be scheduling with you and working with you for the rest of your high school career.”

“Hi… I’m Aria… If you don’t mind me asking, you look like you could be from Miami or Louisiana… Your name doesn’t constitute that at all.”

“I really am from down in Florida it’s just my husband is someone I met up here. Now let’s see to your new schedule.”

               After fifteen minutes of talking to Mrs. “Boing-Boing Hair” as she pecked away at her keyboard, she got up and led me out of the building within a building, as I came to find out where the guidance offices were, and showed me around the school.

“Well Aria, where you are standing now is the commons area. Students congregate here and the cafeteria before classes when they arrive on the buses.” She then takes me and leads me through a big glass wall, near the woman who was in the glass booth.

“This is the lobby. Now follow me to the right.” She leads me through more glass double doors down a big hall way.

“To the right is the main gym. It was constructed some years ago. If you see here at the end of the hall, it splits off into three ways. To the right are the locker rooms for the gym. If you go straight and go up the steps you will be in a math and science wing and if you go to the left and see the classrooms are civics and health” I follow her to the left as she says that and then we go out a door at the end of that corridor.

“Out here are portables for various things. As you see we have three smaller portables and a big eight classroom portable.” Mrs. GracyMay says that as we traverse rocks of all sizes. We steer a right and we end up in an outside eating area.

“This is where kids eat outside if they want to.  Even though there are a few benches and two tables quite a lot of students eat out here.” We stop in front of another glass-like wall and she scans her badge in another box intercom. We enter the cafeteria and I see she has brought me almost all the way around in a circle and we are near the commons. She leads me by a hallway to the right of the guidance offices.

“To the left up here we have the library and to the right we have the business wing.” As we keep walking she points out more.

“To the left we have the science, math and art wings. Then up ahead we have the chorus room, the band room and the Auditorium.”

We do a U-turn and we head in the opposite direction down another hallway.

“To the right you have civics and reading classes as well as the assistant principal’s offices and the special education classes”

     We stop at the front of the guidance office and she tells me to wait. And I wait. I stand there like an awkward hopeless lost little duck. Then I hear the glass doors to the Lobby open and shut. Up I look and I see an Asian boy. He is dressed in black baggy skinny jeans, black chuck taylors, a white button down shirt, a black pin stripping vest and a black Japanese buckle jacket. His raven black hair is in his eyes. His eyes absorb all the light near it but are a soft brown. He looks as if he takes in more information than what he lets others know.

     I tried not to be noticed but then he looks up at me and our eyes meet. His bland look goes to that of a quizzical look. His nose scrunches up and he stops then slowly saunters to me. It’s as if he knows me but can’t place my face. He then stops two inches in front of me and whispers out words.

“Quid tibi hic?”

“wh… What?” I pause and think about what he said.

Quid tibi …. What do you … Oh he said what are you doing here. Wait that was Latin…

“Quid faciens hic? Quaerendum est cur non elit. Quis hic me requiris?” I say back.

What am I doing here? Why do you ask when it is none of your business. Who are you to ask of my being here?

He starts to back away.

“Verum .... Mox sperans non vides ... saltem quisquam mox.”

True but you didn’t want to see me anytime soon?... I don’t get it…

Prohibere non relinquere! Quid!? Non expecta!

You better not leave!

     He walks down the hall in a morbidly lovely way. As Mrs. GracyMay and my mother and brother walk out of the guidance offices, I am left standing there, wondering who that boy was. On the car ride “home”, I stare absently outside the window and as we get to the livingable book, my head hurts with an impending migraine. I go up to my room and I jump on top of my bed.

Who was that boy… Why does he seem so familiar…. Why …

Then something seemingly resonates from the inside of my soul

Why! Why did you leave me!! You promised!!!!!!

     Pain wracks my body and I curl up in a ball. The last thing I see is a shadow looming over me before I loose consciousness.


Where am I…  It’s cold…. Dark…. A dream?

Suddenly things dim to a dull light and as I walk around, I see objects take shape from the cloudiness.

Pillars…. And a stone walkway… it’s a villa… demon or angelic? I better be on guard.

I go down the walk way and I take a left at a corridor and see that it exits out to a pavilion on a landing. The inside of the pavilion is bowled and has a waterfall in the corner

It’s… a bath?

     I turn around and head down the rest of the walkway and stop in front of two golden double doors. As I step into the room after opening them, I look at a grand bed, framed by two French doors on either side and a big moon light in the ceiling. Suddenly I feel as if I should go out to the balcony behind the doors so I do it. As I get out to the balcony and I see and Angel. He is crouched down as if he is picking something up. As he gets up and turns around, his wings turn from white to a midnight black. His golden hair turns to a raven’s black and as I see the glow of his eyes, they glow an eerie red. In one of his hands he holds a pomegranate and in the other it is a peach.

“Marie…” he says in a pained warped whisper. Then everything shatters and my dream-angel self goes spiraling down a tunnel.

I shoot up, waking from the dream in a cold sweat.

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