Achmed The Dead Terrorrist

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Jake’s POV:

Outside was chaos.

Emily was screaming her head off, possibly popping a vein, and Adler was trying to calm her down, getting distracted by all the girls climbing over him trying to get to Nat.

Girls were screaming, people were throwing up from the amount of blood, and others were throwing up from the amount of puke on the floor.

I ran outside to see what all the fuss was about… not that I didn’t know what was going on I just couldn’t see why everyone was screaming.

Emily had Nat in her arms, and Adler was standing like a body guard in front of them both, while the entire hallway of girl had a competition on who could scream the loudest.

Nat was still out of it, and she would have looked as if she was sleeping peacefully if it hadn’t been her head matted with dried blood. Blood was still oozing down, but not so much.

I think she was running out. Her body was pale and her limbs were trembling. Her lips were purple and chapped and it looked like her eyes were replaced with black hollow sockets.

Emily clutched Nat protectively against her chest, and the verge of growling at anyone who so much as looked her way.

Adler changed from being a body guard to being a shout man, trying to get everyone’s attention.

At least when he couldn’t do it, he gave up and took his shirt off, showing his perfectly ripped body, and a perfectly moulded six pack.

Everyone was silent in seconds, gawking at the Greek god that was standing in front of all of them. No homo, but he had a pretty hot body.

He caught me staring and an amused smirk made its way to his lips, I frowned angrily at him and turned away with my chin in the air.

The silence was deafening, the only sound was people breathing, and Emily grunting. She sounded like an angry cave man. I just could help the bubble of laughter escaping my lips.

This set off a chain reaction. Emily snapped her gaze towards me, and shot me a look that could kill the toughest person alive.

Everyone saw this, and there was a sound of water leaking. Everyone turned towards the sound and the crowed parted like the red sea.

The girl that I had tried to save from the fire was standing there with water stains running down her leg. She pissed her pants.

“Too bad you’re not a water whisperer” I mumbled under my breath, but thanks to the silence, the whisper echoed through the hallway.

In one second flat, the whole hallway was bursting with laughter. People were rolling round on the floor in fits.

They probably forgot about the puke and blood on the floor, because now they were laughing even harder, with the odd person wheezing, ‘she pissed her pants’

The girl’s face was on fire, the vein on her forehead was pulsing like mad, and she was trying to cover her pyjama trousers with her shirt.

“Burn!” her little sister, who was now 15 as well whispered to me.

“She just can’t control this kinda fire” I grinned at her. She high fived me and was about to walk away when she thought of something and turned around to me.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked, she didn’t look as if she was going to hit on me, she just looked genuinely curious.

“Yeah, I do” I admitted.

Her face lit up, but then she looked doubtful, “it’s not flame is it?”

“Not in a thousand years” I laughed.

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