He teases me ♥

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While I am enjoying how much you guys like this book and all the amazing theories you all are throwing out there, I would like to just say a little thing real quick. 

While I enjoy most of your guys comments, there is one thing that seems to get on my nerves. I love when you guys speculate which guy it is going to be or fan over a certain couple, but there comes a point when it get's a little too cocky for my taste. When I get comments saying things like, "why should I stop when I obviously know who the prince is?" Or "You are making it SO OBVIOUS that it's Ross." or things like that, it takes the joy away from me

I'm not trying to be rude, I swear! Leave as many comments you want about your theories and your love and your ideas. Just please don't be so cocky about it. There is a difference between confidence and cockiness. Let's have fun guys, okay? Cause this is just a fun story full of characters that I love to write. 

Hopefully that makes sense! 

Much love, Nickymb ♥♥

Song on the right is the song I listened too while writing this chapter(:


Here is all the things I’ve learned about the mysterious and invasive Ross Flynn in the short time of knowing him.

He really did hate the Beatles as much as he claimed when I first met him. When one of their songs came on the radio he grimaced and quickly turned the channel to some outdated rock song.

When I asked why he hated them so much, he just ran his fingers through his air and said simply, “It reminds me of someone.”

I also found out he’s not the kind of guy who can sit still for too long. He’s constantly a ball of energy that needs to be released.

He’s either thrumming his fingers against the steering wheel or messing with his hair. If his time is not divided between those two tasks, he will continuously look out his rearview mirror or mutter under his breath.

He also hasn’t looked at me since we started on this adventure.

The last thing I have learned about the mysterious and honest Ross Flynn, is that he likes to speak in riddles.

The only time I get a straight answer is if I demand it or he wants to provide me with one. And, even then, it’s like he’s holding back.

I don’t know if this is because this is who he is or because he doesn’t want to say too much.

Which means Ross Flynn is a complicated guy who can’t express his feelings as easily as, well, I do. If there is one thing I am good at it’s letting people know how I feel.

I might not admit every emotion, but I get the point across the best way I can.

Ross is obviously a different story.

It shouldn’t bother me because at the party he gave me as much as the truth and of himself as he could. But under all that thick armor and soft spoken words, who is the real Ross Flynn?

Is he the guy I am currently trying my hardest not to fall for or does he have this whole other life I know nothing about?

Singing, I press my cheek against the warm window and watch the scenery go by. The only way these questions will stop is if he himself provided me with the answers.

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