The Stolen Butterflies - Chapter 1

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I've always been the shy girl around. I never really had a thing for anybody, I liked some people but I never really said anything because I was always the outcast. I've been through a lot of things in my life, and let me tell you. It's not pretty, from getting your heart broken, smashed from many different people, you'd feel pretty sad too. But anyway. I always tried to make the best out of life and tried my best to make it seem like it was a happy life instead of a miserable one. At this moment, I have a boyfriend. His name is Criss, and let me tell you. He's a weird one. I love him and everything but sometimes, he can be so annoying. Let me introduce myself. My name is Tabatha Jewel Young. I'm a sophomore in high school and my life sucks.

I met my boyfriend online, weird right? Not really. Anymore that's where people find their soul mates because their too lazy to go look for one.(like myself.) He's a pretty nice guy, he's got dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, he's a little bit taller than me and has kind of a lean walk. He makes me smile but I think that he took things too far and he said I love you too early. I know I shouldn't say it back if I didn't love him, but part of me did yet part of me didn't and I didn't know why. Well. Here's my story.

"Hey babe." Criss texted me. I looked down at my phone quickly so the teacher wouldn't see me. I always tried to text in class but I always failed at it because I wasn't very good at hiding it. "Hi." I replied. I hated calling him babe, baby or any other name. It felt weird and I didn't know why. Criss is 20, he graduated high school yet I'm still in it, yet living the hell. He texted me until it was time to go.

The bell rang, and I grabbed my books and tried to hurry out the door. "Tabatha." I heard a voice behind me. It was my teacher. In my head all I could think about was am I in trouble? What'd I do now? I turned around and faced Mr. Coleman, "Yes sir?" I said aloud. "I notice that you've been lacking in class lately, you usually stare off into space or somewhere and don't know what your doing, your grade is dropping and I am very concerned. Are you okay?" I sighed. I didn't know what to tell him. Of course I wasn't okay. I was never okay. "Yes sir, I'm fine. I just been really tired." he looked at me. "Well if you need anything, let me know okay?" I nodded my head and went out the classroom. I could feel my  face get hot, my cheeks turned red. My stomach dropped, my heart started pounding. I started breathing a little bit hard, what was going on I thought.

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