My Pastry Spy

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Monday, September 1st.

                Emily Gibberman, your average, tenth grade girl. Well, at least average for a New York City girl. That's me. I'm not popular, but I'm not a reject. I'm just, there. My best friend, Elisa Mosco is really smart and also alot of fun to be around. She is also my coworker at Monique's Delights. That's my grandma's pastry shop. It sits right between Fifth Avenue and 72nd street. It's usually very busy, especially during lunch hour. I landed us both jobs there very easily. Of course, Elisa gets paid the average amount, while I get a little less. I think that is fair, since I'm here grandaughter. Normally, I would've been treated like a normal employee, but I knew that Grams didn't have enough money to pay us both equally. We usually had a blast, no matter how cranky the customers were. In fact, we almost never wanted to go!

                    And then there is my older brother, Andy. He is in his second year of college, and currently has a girlfriend. And get this, she is a year younger then I am! Her name is Melissa Patovish, and she has a super sqeaky voice. I've never really gotten to know her, but Andy sure has! She has a Britsh accent and is really rude. She just comes to our house for no reason when she knows that he isn't there. She demands things that we don't even have! My mom thinks that she is a cracknut and needs to loosen her scarf. She has really pale skin and sparkly green eyes. I'm just glad that she doesn't go to my school! She can also get really perky when my dog, Bobo, starts walking around her. She is soooooooooo obsedded with him. Whenever she comes over, she starts looking under our beds and such just looking for him. Talk about rude! When she leaves, she ipes the doorknob so she won't get germs. How stuck up!

It was a cool New York city afternoon. It was a quarter to three, and Elisa and I were rushing downtown to make it to work. We both had very uncomfortable shoes on, with really slowed us down. How is wished I'd kept my gym shoes on the rest of the day. We arrived there with only a minute to spare. We signed in, even though we didn't have to. We ran to the back and put our aprons on. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2012 ⏰

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