Chapter 27: Love 2 Remember

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 Chapter 27:  Love 2 Remember 

 So my goal was to make I Need You # 1 on the Chick-lit's what's hot list. Lets see if we can do it

One Month Later.....

NaKhia's POV:

"God you are getting so big." I smile lifting Malcom up out of his crib and laid hi on the bed to change his diaper. I looked down at my son and saw his father. Everyday i thought about Messiah and wondered if he was ok. I watched him a couple of times on tv and saw he was going on tour.  I wanted to call him and make plans for when he comes to Houston, the kids really miss him, i really miss him too. "You look just like your daddy." I stood him up and fixed his clothes.  

"Khi-Khi, you almost ready?" Colton walked in the room and took Malcom out of my hands. 

"Yes i just need to change my shirt, this little guy spit up on me." I tickled Malcom and he laughed.

"Well i think you look sexy in anything." He kissed my cheek and walked back down stairs with Malcom. Since coming back home, my mom, dad and Colton have been helping me with the twins, but who i really wanted helping me was Messiah. I laid back on the bed and thought about that last day in the hospital room. I shook my head seeing how he had tossed all of my stuff in garbage bags. I never wanted things to be like this, but no matter what something was always getting in our way.

I laughed to myself, no matter what he put me through everyday i still wanted to call him, hear his voice, hear him tell me he still loves me. I wrapped my arms around my body and pretended they were his arms, holding me and when i closed my eyes i saw us making love. The way his fingers would caress my body likes keys on a piano, his tongue dancing on my skin. I never had to tell him, he always knew the right spots. I shook my head I have to get him out of my mind, i have to let him figure out his life. Getting up i walked over to the closet a pulled on another shirt, my world stopped when i heard my phone ring.  

             (Listening to Chris Brown's Love 2 REMEMBER while writing Messiah's POV enjoy)

Messiah's POV:  

If i died today would anybody miss me? What would they say at my funeral? Hell where would they even bury me? I took the 45 caliber gun out and laid it on the seat next to me, for days i've been asking myself these questions. Been praying to God for answers to those questions but so far i haven't got any, i think he forgot about me. It's amazing how everybody around you goes on with their lives but never notice that your suffering. After Khia and my kids left i took every opportunity to promote my new album, i guess a part of me didn't want to leave any unfinished business. Which is why I need to call Khia, we have unfinished business. This girl took my kids and my heart back with her to Texas and i'm still madly in love with her. I looked towards the door and heard Mikey banging on it. I shook my head i had it barricade their was no way he was getting in.

"Messiah open the fucking door." He yelled kicking the door.

I dialed her number and waited for her to answer, as soon as she said hello my heart droped.

"Hi Khia."

"Messiah." She sound surprised to hear from me. "How are you?"

This call wasn't about me. " How's Malcom and Mariah?"

"They're doing good. I was just telling Malcom he is getting so big. Did you get the pictures i messaged you?"

"Yea." I did get them but i didn't open them, i just couldn't. "I um- I just wanted to call you Khia and tell you that you were right NaKhia, I am an addict and i don't deserve to be around my kids."


"Just let me finish please. When i came back to L.A i was alone and i made a stupid choice that at the time i thought i was going to be able to try and walk away from. But we both know now, that i couldn't, i couldn't quit it. You know your mom was right about me, i do have the devil in me." I let out a nervous laugh and than started crying. Mikey was still trying to kick in the door. 

"Siah my mom didn't know what she was saying."

"But, she did baby, she knew i was not good enough for you, she knew i would cause you pain." I never thought i would agree with her mom. "What i did to you and our kids was selfish and wrong. What my parents did to Malcom and i is what i'm doing to my own kids and i don't want that. And you baby, you deserve a strong man that can take care of you, that won't constantly lie to you like i did. Colton is a good man NaKhia you should think about that." I picked the gun up and scratched my head with it, I can't believe i just said that to her. I looked at the door again Mikey just won't give up trying to get in, true i have his gun but nobody is going to stop me.

"Messiah, your scarring me." I heard her sniffling, my baby was crying.

"Shh Khia, please don't cry, don't waist your tears on me."

"What are you thinking about doing right now?" It was hard for her to ask that question.  

"Closing my eyes."   

"Baby, i hope your not thinking what i think you are, please tell me your not i'm begging you." 

I don't want to lie to her and tell her i'm not, so i just ignore the question. "Tell my kids, their daddy loves them."  I was crying like a newborn baby, trying to catch my breath, it was almost over 

"You can tell them that yourself Siah." 

"NaKhia, girl just know that I loved you the best  that I could." 

"I love you Messiah do you hear me? Baby, I love you." 

Those words were music to my ears. Pulling the phone away i kissed it and hung up. "I'm so sorry Mikey." I yelled at the door and closed my eyes.

NaKhia's Pov:

I fell to the floor calling his name, but the line was dead. I tried calling him back but it went straight to voice mail, I was lost and helpless. He was saying goodbye and i wasn't ready for him to leave. Dialing Mikey's phone he didn't answer and i had no ideal of what was going on. I needed to get back, i needed to see Messiah. I grabbed a bag and started throwing in clothes and diapers for the twins. i didn't care if they didn't matched i just needed to get to the airport and quick. My cell phone rang and i saw Mikey's name. 

"Mikey, where's Messiah? Tell him i'm on my way."

"Khia please don't come here ok?" Mikey sounded so serious.

"Mikey is he ok?"

"Just stay in Houston, The police are here so i have to call you back." Mikey hung up and i sat on the floor crying.  

****Please remember to Vote and Comment. So tell me what you think? Did Messiah give up? Should Khia feel bad? So i only have One more Chapter and than the Epiloge left. Please continue to read 12 Rounds (I am working on it now) His Mark On Me and Emotional Roller Coaster. Thank you so much for reading****   

All Rights Reserved By: MrsCassey 

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