Chapter 6

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Chapter six:

I slammed the door shut in his face and leaned against it blowing out a deep breath. What the hell was that? I could still feel the weird tingling in my hands and fingers from when we were almost touching. It was like little pin pricks but felt... nice. Pain and pleasure at the same time.

I shook my head. Get yourself together woman!

I shoved off the door and walked towards the balcony. Was it really just over a week that Derrek had shown a kind side only to hide it beneath this harsh exterior? Who was he? It didn’t matter I guessed since neither one of us were interested in the other.

I grasped the cool metal of the railing from the balcony and stared at the view. Below me were the grassy grounds where students lounged about chatting and reading. A group further off played a game of Frisbee.

Further away stood the forest where I’d bumped into Derrek doing whatever the hell he was doing. It was a large forest and the trees packed closer together the farther along you looked. Beside it stood a large sparkling lake that reflected the setting sun and the birds that flew overhead.

I sighed. I missed Serena and Troy. Troy’s father figure personality that, at this time, would tell me any boy wouldn’t be good enough for me and not to let it get to me then Serena’s teenage attitude that would be poking and prodding me for juicy gossip and details.

I smiled at the memory of them.

“Hey chicky” Helena called as she entered the room, “You were a-ma-zing in combat!”

“Thanks, I didn’t even see you and your partner the whole time”

“Yeah, we got taken out pretty easily because she was Water-abled but wasn’t particularly good and I don’t like violence” she shrugged before flopping onto the sofa.  We continued chatting away into the night only pausing to order Chinese food and change into comfy sweats and tank top for me and a loose night shirt and shorts for her.

“So... what’s the deal with you and Derrek?” she asked me tilting her head in curiosity as she munched on her fried rice.

“Honestly, I have no idea. He’s got worse mood swings than a girl! He was really nice to me on my birthday but I haven’t seen that considerate guy ever since. I’m just going to ignore him” I answered her, and truth be told, my words were going to be a lot harder to follow than anticipated.

Helena and I continued talking throughout the night until she passed out on her bed. I yawned and soon followed after her.

The air was dank and my nose twitched at the rancid smell emanating around me. Where was I? It was dark except for the odd melting wax candle situated on the rocks protruding from the walls. From what I could see, which wasn’t much, I was trapped in some cavern. The roof was a mixture of moist dirt and hard rock. “Hello?” I called out to the darkness. My greeting echoed around me sending chills down my spine. “Is anyone there?”

Again, my voice ricocheted off the walls.

I slowly took steps forward, squinting my eyes to try and find a passage or an exit somewhere. I was rewarded with a narrow tunnel. Should I follow it, I wondered. It was my best option. I dragged my hands across the grimy walls to help me walk forward ignoring the moist moss growing there. As I walked into the larger chamber I sighed in relief when the smell was a bit weaker. There were more candles lit in this chamber and they flickered around the many dark passages that connected to this one.

“Hello?” I shouted once again, even though I already knew no one would answer besides my echoes.

“Good evening Valerie”  I jumped as my voice stuck in my throat at the unexpected reply.

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