TASK ONE: So It Begins

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"Now, ladies and gents in the provinces, the moment you've been waiting for: the names of the lucky twenty-eight sons and daughters of Illéa who will be battling for the love of our beautiful princess and prince."

Sierra Valentine grins as she finishes her announcement, glancing over at the Kingsley twins where they're waiting with almost identical smiles on their faces. There's a strange nervousness in Calix that she can't quite place but Jessamine is beaming radiantly enough to mask her brother's nerves. They hold hands the way they have in every television appearance they've made since their mother miscarried five years ago, still leaning on each other for support on even a good occasion. Staring ahead at the cameras, they're the picture of royal grace as they wait for the announcement of the Selected to begin.

The nation of Illéa is watching, friends and family and co-workers crowded around televisions across every province. Even if they're not connected in any way to the Selection, people are curious to see the faces of the young men and women who have a chance at being their newest prince and princess. Every teen who entered their name in the drawing is silently hoping to see their picture on the screen. And across the provinces, one by one, twenty-eight competitors are chosen out of these lucky men and women. Friendships are ruined, families are torn apart or brought together, and twenty-eight normal teens become some of the most important people in Illéa.



Write your tribute's reaction to being selected as well as the reaction of the people with them, if there are any. This can start anywhere within the day of the announcement and end any time after it's over, as long as this entry only exists in the timeframe of one day.

This task is about introducing your character and really giving us their personality, what they're like and how they'd logically react to the news that they're now a competitor in the Selection. Be realistic and true to your form.

This entry counts as half of your final score for task one, as well as going towards who gets 'sponsored' so make it count!

Word Limit: NONE (First task, I'm going easy on you guys xD)

Due Date: Saturday April 19, 2014 at 11pm GMT (If you're unfamiliar with GMT, PM me and I'll help you out)

Special Bonus: Best Reaction From Any Character (Could be your tribute or a family member or anyone your tribute is with): Worth +3 points

Please email all entries to OdairApocalypse@myself.com



You're a little nervous as you wait to say goodbye to your province, even if you're the most confident of people you still have a few doubts spinning around in your head. Everything is happening so fast and here you are, ready to head to the palace to win a chance at love. Or a crown, if you're not in it for a chance at claiming somebody's heart.

This is it. Possibly the last goodbye you'll give your friends and family as a normal person. After this, your life will be different forever. You still don't know what you're going to do to say goodbye: everybody does something different and you know you have to win the crowd's favor somehow.

Somebody calls your name and beckons for you to go up onstage. With a deep breath, you plaster a smile on your face and march up to face everyone in hopes that you'll impress them enough that word will make its way to the palace of what you've done today...



Write your goodbye to your province. How your tribute feels up on that stage and what they do to say farewell. Write the crowd's reaction to saying goodbye to you as well. What do they think of you? Simple enough, right? Good.

Note the uniform of the Selected on the first day: A white button up shirt and black slacks. You get to choose your own shoes. You also have a bag of a few supplies from home, in case you wondered.

Also, pay attention to the tribute forms. If there's more than one Selected from your province, make sure to mention them.

This task will be like your Private Training session in a normal Games: Only I will read these.

Word Limit: 1,750 words

Due Date: Wednesday April 19, 2014 at 11pm GMT

Special Bonus: None

Again, email entries to OdairApocalypse@myself.com



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