chapter 6

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*Tyler's pov*

The elevator dinged open, and my arms were still locking Troye in an Oakley-hug.

I didn't know what to say (that's a first isn't it?).

Troye had shared a most probably painful memory,  he had trusted me, and I was happy that he did.

But at the same time my curiosity pushed him to tell me, I forced him to remember,  and for that I felt horrible.

The elevator doors were about to close again and Troye shuffled his foot into the opening,  keeping it open. I realised that perhaps it was time to let Troye out of my arms, which still pinned him against my chest . And so, reluctantly,  I did.

We picked up our bags and walked to our rooms, which were down the red-carpeted hall.

We stood in front of our doors, separated by just one other room. Troye glanced my way and I met his gaze, and held it. There shouldn't be any need for us to be awkward, and so I broke the ice and flashed him a wide smile.

This seemed to do the trick because he returned the smile by a grin of his own, showing off his pearly whites.

For some reason I felt it an appropriate time to stick my tongue out at him. Troye burst out laughing,  and then pulled a face. Giggles erupted through my chest.

Troye was so close, just a metre or two away from me, and I couldn't help myself,  my curiosity and my need to annoy him (in a cute way) was too great.

I sprang at him, which left him looking slight confused, but his eyes widened as my hands locked around his waist,  pinning him against the wall.

I tickled him.

Troye struggled and tried to speak through his squirming and laughter;

" T-T-T-Tyler st-taahhhppp"

This only encouraged me to go on. He managed to slip out of my grasp, but I held on to his hand, and pulled him into me once again.

His lips were incredibly full, a natural rosy hue most girls would kill for. So close. But no, I couldn't.  It's wrong. He's straight after all!

I pushed him down on the floor and resumed the entertaining torture,  and to prevent him from running I sat on top of him.

Soon our corridor was filled with echos of our laughter, and sure enough Troye and I were spralled on the floor, gripping our sides, trying to control the growing tidal wave that was laughter.

We tried to catch our breath, our chests heaving.  Finally there was enough oxygen in our system and we could sit up.

As soon as we locked eyes we both burst into another fit of giggles, but this time we were able to stand up.

We grabbed our bags,  still laughing,  and headed towards are separate rooms. At the last moment I looked back at Troye and saluted a good night. He winked at me and said; "Night Tyler!" with an adorable smile woven through his face.

And with that I swiped my key card through the lock and entered my temporary home.

I stood there, slumped against my door,  taking shallow breaths.

I'd come so close to ruining my friendship with Troye. The effect that boy has on me is close to dangerous. I mean I don't usually lose control so easily,  in fact I'd say that I'm quite good at warding off feelings. Apparently not anymore.

We were barely two inches apart! Looking at those lips just made me want to pull him into my room and show him a true Oakley experience. And I've just met the guy! I really hope that I'll be able to reign in these feelings,  if I don't all I see is heartbreak in my future.

I sighed and slid down against the door.  I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on them. I muttered to myself:

"What are you doing Tyler?  This is still day one! And he's straight for fuck's sake! And even so, you have less than two weeks together. What are you going to do after he leaves huh? Idiot."

I dragged myself off the floor and shuffled towards my bed,  throwing myself on it. I was asleep within seconds.


* Troye's pov *

I shut my door and ran to my bed, where I sat cross legged,  hugging a pillow to my chest.

Something's changed. Something's not right. I feel weird,  tingly.

Being in Tyler's arms felt so right. I never wanted out of that elevator.

And when he lunged himself at me, his hands locked around my waist; we were so close, barely two inches apart. At the moment I couldn't breathe,  and my heart was beating so hard I was afraid he could hear it.

The silence while he made his decision didn't last more than a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity,  an eternity in which I yearned to close the gap between us, and smash my lips onto his.

The intoxicating smell coming off of him wasn't helping either.

But then he tickled me, and I became a squirming mess. Pinned against the wall and then on the floor, under Tyler. Both scenes could've gone so differently...

I suddenly opened my eyes, my heart beating a thousand miles a minute. I jumped of the bed, hands on my head, and paced around the room.

I couldn't ignore it anymore. I couldn't deny it any longer. Something in me has changed. Could it

I've gone out with girls before, but I never had any particular interest in them either. I did it because everyone else was doing it and it seemed right at the time.

I've never had the pull that I feel around Tyler. Nobody's ever tugged at my heart, or encouraged me to go out willingly with them. I was never attracted to anyone...before today.

Girls never interested me. But Tyler has.

My head spun at the realisation:

I am gay.

With blood roaring in my ears, I took two steps, and fainted, face first, onto the bed.

I welcomed the loss of consciousness.


Please don't kill me! I know that it's been a week, and I'm late, but I have a good reason! 

This week was graduation week! I graduated from secondary school, meaning that my week was full of shopping, planning,  rehearsing and crying. It was hectic.

Now I have to start studying for my O-Levels (they're like entry exams), but I'll do my best to upload twice a week.

Thankyou for your patience :) I hope you enjoy the chapter!  And thanks again for reading :)

Please please comment/rate/vote/add to reading list if you liked it, it means so much to me, and it encourages me to update.


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