XLIII: Sasuke's Last Days (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Forehead? Oh God you're alive! Where the hell have you been?! Tsunade-sama and the others are looking for you!"

"Oh... Uh," Sakura glanced at her plush ambient, then at the wall, hoping some answer, "I'm fine, actually, I'm just... Um," She shook her head, and then a pair of jade crystals met onyx ones. Sasuke was SMILING at her. She was trying so hard to think of something, but it seems whenever he's with the Uchiha her mind isn't clearly cooperating. Rather inconvenient. She squeaked her eyes closed, then opened them again. "Listen... Can I just say something really quick? Promise me you won't tell anyone."

Ino nodded her head. Though it was futile because Sakura would be the least to hear it. Behind Platinum Blonde, she signaled a hand to Neji and the others, tapping their feet impatiently while holding the Blonde Jinchuuriki captive. Naruto was tied up in a wooden chair, his mouth binded. "Mmmmfffhh!" He whined, while Kiba and the others giggled lightly. "Sorry buddy, this is for your own sake."

"I kind of—uh, blacked-out last night." In front of her, Sasuke smirked smugly. She noticed he was graping something under pillow, then he took out something out ordinary. He shot Sakura a murderous glare as he held her bra in front of her, dangling and small. "Thank you for being useful." She held the phone using her shoulder as she turned around, took off Sasuke's shirt and wore her modern brassiere. Sasuke felt himself knocked out. He rolled his eyes as he jumped into the sheets with his back, his broad shoulders embracing Sakura's pillow; her lingering scent enticing him once again—Kami she smelled so good. May God have mercy on him.

"Ino, you still there??"

Ino was wide in shock, as she ran off to the bathroom leaving Konoha 11 staring after her gapingly. "Seriously?! Was there any blood on the bed?"

Sakura peered at the cotton fabric while Sasuke seemed to be taking a catnap. "Uh, I don't think so..."

"Whew," Ino swept the sweat out of her forehead, sighed reliefly, and slid herself all the way down the wall. "Then you haven't crossed the bridge yet, dummy." You wouldn't want to end up like Temari. Though Sakura could feel her smile. Sententiously. "God you have me worried back there," Sakura said, now seemingly in her peaceful mental condition. "What were you thinking, Sakura? Didn't you even consider the circumstances of becoming pregnant? It's terryfing, delirious and—and—" Now Ino had been trying to calm herself down, but her piece of advice seemed worth the adressing to the pinkette. Ino sighed, then breathed heavily. One of these days she'll truly have to listen to her. "Sakura, it's terrible."

"I know, I know.." Sakura said, now glancing at the sleeping Sasuke. "It's just... Whenever I'm with him, he just consumes me."

When Sakura turned, Sasuke just glared at the digital clock at the bedside table, knowing it wouldn't make a difference with his eyes closed.

"That's explains it," Ino stood up, realizing she'd sworn to herself she would never encounter any sexual relationsips with a man. AGAIN. "Speaking of," She twists the door open holding Sakura's attention, "there's something Konoha 11 and I have in mind."

"Why do I think this is a bad omen."

"And to give you a hint this has something to do with Naruto getting tied up in his feet," Sakura's eyes bursted out wide. "Oops," the Purple Kunoichi giggled placing a hand gracefully in her lips, "shouldn't have said that."

"WHAT. IS. IT. YOU. ALL.WANT. FROM. ME .THAT. HAS .TO. BE. INVOLVED. WITH. NARUTO'S. KIDNAPPING." Now Sakura was rubbing her forehead pressurely. Though it was impossible for Sasuke to see, he felt this unusal bitter feeling larrup in his gut, something he hadn't felt in years. Jealousy; he wondered, and what he wasn't so sure of. That dobe...

Naruto Tales: The Next Uchiha | SasuSaku, NaruHina, InoShikaTema, NejiTen +Where stories live. Discover now