Chapter 12

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“Alpha Summers if we don’t get Julie back to her mate she is going to end up going crazy without him and might inflict danger to someone of this town, to your pack, or to Abbey” I said.

“Yes I can see your point” he looked thoughtful for a minute before speaking up again.

“You can stay and be a part of her life I mean that’s what she deserves to have a family and to be happy …..

                                                                                     …….I Alpha Summers accept you into my pack as the guardian of the omegas”.

 Abbey’s P.O.V

Jordan set me down on my feet and I went back to eating my cereal next to the unknown character.

“So why did you freak out so much when you found that I was not in the room anymore” I said looking up at Jordan.

“It’s dangerous and you could have been taken if you left. You are also new to this town, how would you have found your way home?” he questioned.

“Yet I did not leave” I shot back with a mischievous smile.

“You are too cheeky for your own good my love” he laughed while stroking my cheek.

The unknown man cleared his throat and did a nod of acknowledgment to Jordan and Jordan copied the action.

“So” I dragged out, “how do you guys know each other?”

“Zander and I met through family” Jordan answered.

“That’s cool” I added.

Jordan’s P.O.V

Abbey and Zander went on with their conversation while I poured the milk into the bowl of cereal. I focused on the pushing in my mind that signalled one of my pack members where trying to mind link me.

*Alpha we spoke to Julie she seemed to go a bit mad at leaving Abbey but we eventually strained her with ropes and got her safely back to her mate. We have also packed all of Abbey’s belongings and are going to be at the pack house within the next twenty minutes* Xavier spoke.

* Thank you my Beta I will make sure to reward you and all the men that helped later” I replied.

“Jordan!!”Abbey shouted bringing me out of my dazed state.

“What is it my Angel?” I asked softly before giving a quick glare at Zander to make sure he wouldn’t mention my soft side to any of the warriors in the pack.

  “I was just going to tell you that I should probably go home now” she said sweetly. Zander’s spoon dropped from his mouth as he stared at me in shock from not telling Abbey some news she should have known last night.

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