[Chapter 9] Separation and Closeness

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I had just made the decision to run to Gram's next door neighbors house and talk to my Grandmother. I admit that not a lot of planning went into this decision. I did not think of alternatives. I don't know why I assumed someone would answer. I guess I just thought she would be here.

But after a few minutes of pounding my now red fist against the front door, my stomach dropped. "Grandma!" I shouted. I switched hands and hit with my left instead. The residents were old. Maybe they didn't hear me. Or maybe they weren't home. Or maybe they were ignoring me.

I stood at the door, staring at its hard, unbroken form. It kept me separated. It kept me outside. A soft creak drew my attention to the bottom of the door where a small flap had been installed. A door for pets. Great. Animals could come and go, but I couldn't get to the one person who promised to care for me. Why was I surprised? The door creaked again, and I, for some reason, felt the best thing to do would be to get on my hands and knees. I had no intention of trying to squeeze through the door, but I at least wanted to look inside. Maybe I could yell through it. Maybe they just didn't know I was home.

I moved the flap a small bit and a voice from inside carried out.

"She's probably left. It's too late." I gasped. That was my grandmother. She was here!

"Then go after her. You need to explain to her. You're her guardian. It's your duty to protect her from him."

I frowned, not recognizing that lady's scratchy voice nor understanding what she was talking about.

"You can't save her!" I heard Mrs. Romerson growl. "You tried to help Rebecca. Do you remember how that ended up? No. Leave it alone. She's dead to you. She has to be. You'll get us all in trouble otherwise. I'm too old for this. I don't have long to live. None of us do. A week? A month? A few years? It's not long. I want to live my years out in peace. That's what we deserve. Let this go. Let Leta go."

Silence fell. I guess Mrs. Romerson had a persuasive argument. I didn't like it though.

I raised my hand from my awkward position and hit the door again. I heard all three ladies gasp, but no one made a move toward the door. Seconds passed. No other sound was heard. I sighed and pushed away from the opening. Fine. She didn't want to protect me, then I didn't want her to protect me. I can do just fine on my own. I don't need her. I don't even know her. I didn't ask to come down here. Who was she to me? No one. That's who.

I stood and turned around in a huff. Anger must have been clouding my hearing because I hadn't even notice the stranger had followed me. I turned around straight into his chest. Before I could say anything, a loud thunderclap burst overhead.

"Hurry," the stranger said. He gave me no choice. He grabbed my hand and pulled me as we ran back to my grandmother's house. I noticed the sky had darkening. Thick clouds were overhead. This darkness was overwhelming. Lightning struck the sky and the earth seemed to shake from the force. The storm hit just as we reached the edge of my grandmother's property, and it came down swinging. Fierce torrents of water had us drenched as we ran up the driveway and through the front door.

We stood just inside the door, huffing and puffing. I was angry, confused, and now wet. I was uncomfortable. I wanted to go hide in my bed, but my bed was back home in Indiana.

"Go ahead and make yourself comfortable," I muttered as I slopped my way across the room.

Maybe he was some maniac who wanted to rob the place. Well, it wouldn't be my fault. I had tried to warn my grandmother, and did she care? No. Maybe he was some psycho who wanted to kill me. Well, that wasn't my fault. How was I supposed to know? And did anybody care? No. Put me out of my misery at least. What a pathetic excuse for a life I was living.

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