Moving To The Falls

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This is my 1st tvd fanfic sorry if I get stuff messed up, I read the original books before the TV series and it's way different D-:


I frowned as we turned into a small street, my mum and dad decided to move to America on 'business' terms. Basically Dads Company moved to the town with a milkshake parlour, yawn. The only good thing about this place is I'd never have to wear my stupid school tie again!

I grabbed a box from the car and took it into the house. When I came out a guy about my age was at the door.

"Hi, I'm Jeremy!" he grinned as if I'd care.

"And I'm busy unpacking!" I said in my strong English accent.

"You're English, cool! My Aunt Jenna said I should help you."

"Oh... I'm Lucie by the way and that'd help, thanks mum and dad’s around somewhere tell them I said you can help of you see them." I spoke.

"Sure!" he said going into the boot and helping.

"Thanks, I would ask you if you'd wanna chill in my room and talk about crap but it's a little boxy." I shrugged.

He laughed, "Just a little." he winked, "You should come to the mystic grill later, all of us hang out there, see you later if you turn up!"

"Sure." I closed the door then remembered my plan; I didn't want to be known as the new British girl so I was going to be silent for the first week, keep myself to myself.

I re-opened the door and knocked on his.

"Missing me already?" he asked.

"No, I was out of tea..." I smirked, "Please don't tell anyone I'm English... If you do I'll... I'll um... Hug you to death!" I nodded

"Okay... You're normal..."

I nodded and walked away back to my room, there wasn't that much to unpack, my furniture was already there I just needed to get my clothes. I sighed as I opened the first box saying 'Lucie's clothes' this was so boring. I only had about five boxes but still! I mean what would you rather do, unpack boxes or go onto Skype with your friends? Exactly... Once I finished I grabbed my laptop from the car, hooked it up to the wifi and logged into Skype grinning video calling Jess.

"Hey! How you liking America?" she grinned to the camera.

"I still hate it; I miss every one over there!"

She laughed, "Ou! Is there any cute guys?"

I raised a brow and she shrugged, "Not any that I've met, I guess Jeremy is alright and kind but he lives next door so it'd be awkward of we dated and then broke up..."

"True, I bet there'll be better ones tomorrow then!"

I smirked, "How is everyone over there anyway?"

"You know same old same old, although there's this new guy Callum you should see him Luce!"

I rolled my eyes then someone knocked on the door, "Yes?"

"Jeremy’s here, the kid from next door" my mum said

"Let him in!"

He walked in smirking, "Yeah Luce you should see him!" Jess giggled from the other side but I threw a pillow at him, "Ouch! That hurt!"

"Sorry!" I frowned and got up to hug him, "Hugs make the world go round!"

Jess coughed, "I'm still here!"

"Oh yeah, sorry Jess some freaks turned up." I scrunched up my nose.

"You're the freak not me..."

"Shut ya mutt."

"Shut my mutt?" he questioned.

"It means mouth."


"I'm guessing we're going to that place, the mystic grill? I got to change I ain't going in trakies!" I walked into my wardrobe closing the doors.

I could hear him laughing from the other side; I picked out my light blue flowery dress, put it on and walked out.

"How do I look?"

"Like you're gonna be cold! He stated.

"Are you joking? This is warm where I come from!"

I laughed grabbing my bag, some money and my white board, I ain't gonna talk I'd sound weird.

"Bye mum bye dad! I'm going with Jeremy somewhere see you later!" I grabbed my key from the side and followed him.

"Why don't you want to talk anyway?" he wondered.

"Because I don't want to be stereo-typed as the British girl who loves tea and crumpets!"

"Eh, then be careful to write c-o-l-o-r not c-o-l-o-u-r for colour!"

"And say pants for trousers and underpants for pants!"

He smirked, "You have pretty weird names for stuff over there!"

"No, we have different variations, we speak the queens English you speak American English."

He shook his head and walked in I looked around, I guess it was alright there seemed to be a lot of people my age there, I walked up to the bar and write 'two diet cokes please.'

"What's up, lost you voice?"

I shook my head writing 'I hate my accent'

"That's three dollars please."

I handed him the money and looked around for Jeremy, he was sitting in a booth with a girl with straight brunette hair. I walked over with the drinks and sat next to him.

"Hey, Elena this is Lucie, Lucie this is my dumb sister Elena."

'Nice to meet you Elena, Jeremy be nice' I write.

"You were being serious about not talking aren't you?" I nodded

"Why isn't she talking?"

"She doesn't want people to know where she comes from." he rolled his eyes and I shrugged.

'What year are you in?'

"Senior, I've got to go my friend matt will be waiting for me."


"When you going to start talking in public?"

I shrugged, 'till I get bored, it won't be long' I grinned.

"You're crazy!"

I stuck my tongue out, 'I'm about as crazy as a drugged up squirrel!'

"Just talk!" I shook my head.

He started tickling me; I wriggled about laughing my arse off, "NOO! JEREMY GET OFF OF ME!"

"You talked ha!"

I pouted, "Meanie!"

"I'm not mean, I was saving you money!"

I grabbed his phone and ran to the bathroom I heard him shouting after me. I laughed punching my number into his iPhone and texting myself 'Lucie you're sooooo hot I love you sooo much!!!!’ I walked out and gave it to him.

"Thanks for the text by the way." I winked.

"What text?" he looked at his phone, "Thanks I obviously was going to say that..." he said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up you annoying squirrel!" I stuck my tongue out standing up, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, hopefully you're in my class!" he nodded.

"Hopefully I'm not in your class!" I laughed hugging him then walked out.


right that was chapter 1 I'm still working on 2 but I'm nearly, writing fanfic takes my mind off of my life/exams so it'll be up soon!... hopefully

I'm gonna go chase a squirrel or something! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2012 ⏰

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