[6] Interviews

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Chapter 6.

Hope you enjoy xD

Once again, I've left it on a cliffhanger because I am so evil :p

Pretty short again probably, sorry about that.

I seem to not have the ability to write long chapters :(

Sorry (yes, I'm apologising a lot) for the long wait too, but I had bad writers block :'(

Oh, and finally, ITS NOT EDITED -_- I will be doing that soon, so don't point out any typos or whatever please ^_^

And yeah, for once this was a short authors note ;)

Oh, and finally, the picture on the right is of Prim's dress. if you find one that matches the description more, then please tell me :) --------------------------------------->


Wake up, Prim!" I hear Effie shout through the door, "After last night, I think we need the interviews to go right!"

Oh, why did she have to remind me of my score from training. If Caleb getting an eleven wasn't bad enough, me getting a two couldn't of been any worse. Well, that's what I thought, before Effie starting shouting at me.

"What on earth happened at training?!" Effie had shrieked at me, stomping around the room, "Even for you, this is terrible!"

I had started to get annoyed at her, this really was I side I hadn't seen of her. "What do you mean? Sorry if I'm not good enough!"

And that's where the huge argument started. We screamed at each other for what seemed like ages, before Caleb had to stop us shouting. I had stomped of to my room, and not spoke to anyone since.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," I mumble into my pillow, before sitting upright in my bed. I could tell, by the way Effie spoke to me, that she was still annoyed.

I dress in a simple pair of black pants, along with a plain shirt, as I know that I will be getting made up for my interview later on.

Breakfast isn't as awkward as I thought it would be, for the simple fact that Effie Trinket isn't having something to eat with Caleb and I, as she 'had business to attend to'. Personally, I think she just doesn't want to see me.

"You okay after last night then?" Caleb asks, as I'm tucking into a strawberry stew. I can tell by the cheeky smile on his face that he's just kidding.

I just laugh, then get back to my scrumptious food.

After breakfast, the plates are cleared, then in comes Effie, looking very flustered.

"What are you both still doing here? I told you to be off to your stylist straight after you've eat!" She babbles.

"Um, Effie," Caleb starts, looking a bit nervous, "No you didn't..." 

"What?! Don't contradict me!" Effie says back, looking like she could hit someone. She really is stressed.

"Sorry." Caleb apologises quietly.

"Off you go now then, to your stylists. I want you both looking amazing tonight." She says, as she runs off somewhere and leaves us alone.

"So, see you later?" Caleb says, as he makes a move towards the door.

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