Chapter 9

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He led me through another wall, and into an equally luxurious room except it was more masculine. There was a good chance it could be his room or perhaps a guest room.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Xenos." He said simply. Xenos? What kind of name was that? It sounded like presciption pills...but who was I to judge anyway?

"How did you heal me?" I asked.

"Simple. Water." He replied

"You control water." I said, not entirely sure if it was supposed to be a question.

"Correct." With all I'd seen so far, I had no trouble believing it.

"I have a lot of questions to ask."

"And I intend to answer them all." He replied and motioned for me to sit on the couch.

"I'm fine standing, thank you."

"Whatever pleases you, goddess."

"What will please me right now is if you all stopped calling me that." I retorted. He laughed and sat, then looked up at me.

"You don't know who you are, what you're capable of and how you can improve our cause." He said and shook his head.

"What is this cause?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"A prophecy that needs to be fufilled, goddess. Humanity."

"What about humanity?"

"This earth needs to be purified." He said sternly.

"What exactly do you mean?" I asked, frowning.

"The planet must be wiped clean of the disease of humanity and begin anew." He replied passionately and my eyes widenened.

"You're insane. Wiping out the whole planet solves nothing!" I exclaimed. He threw his head back and laughed.

"You know, you are even more tempting when you are angry." He said slyly.

"You must be joking. How am I tied into this?! I want nothing to do with your sick fantasy!"

"Ah, you may not want to be a part but you must. It's inevitable." He replied calmly.

"Take me back. Now." I said firmly. He sighed then reached behind his head to remove his mask. Once he did, and painfully against my will, I stared. His face was flawless, his features were sharp and his black hair tumbled down to his shoulders. He looked straight at me, his green-blue eyes drilling into mine. No one spoke but he knew he had temporarily captivated me. A cocky smile spread across his face as I tore my eyes from his and took an uncertain step back.

"I want to leave." I repeated. He stood up and began to walk towards me.

"You and I, goddess, this planet will bow to us." He said and grinned.


Her presence was untimely but perfect. She was perfect. Better than I imagined. She didn't understand the cause and her expression was of pure horror. She will have time to learn. I would give her time, no matter how painful it may be. I know things she is not aware of, especially a fear that will keep her up till she submits to me. A constant reminder of unintended actions.

The woman before me was truly a goddess blessed with paralyzing beauty and extraordinary power. My kind of queen. I had been informed by my men that she had been with the Batman earlier. Ties with such a force would weaken our cause. Nothing must ruin it. If he was involved with her, she would be the perfect weapon to destroy him. But, I have no interest in manipulating her, for it would only cause a backlash that could ultimately destroy everything I fought to establish. My goal was to win her over, mainly for my pleasure and for the cause. I intend to keep her under my watchful eye and remind her that there was no where to hide from me. My shadows will follow her and watch her every move while she attempts to keep her world from crumbling....

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