Chapter 2- Journalist

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Dedicated to @Seeyara and her older sister who helped me with the title and cast selection for this story. Thank you so much guys! :)



December 27, 2013 (1100 hours)
Goth Cafe, Bourbon Street
New Orleans

Isobel Clayton went inside the dark cafe and looked around. A chill slid down her spine as she looked around. The cafe was decorated with coffins, silver chains, crossbows, wooden crosses, wooden stakes and everything else that was related to the word vampire.

But then again, this was New Orleans.

The weird and the occult was the norm here and it was what attracted tourists like flies.

Isobel bowed her head checked her hair in the mirror. She wore a black wig right now like she always did when she was going undercover. Also, she wore clothes and backpack that made her look like one of the New Orleans tourists.

Isobel picked a table at the edge of the cafe. It was on a secluded spot and away from any windows. She sat and ordered herself some coffee as she waited for the man she contacted.

For years now, she worked as a journalist. She was like a hurricane when she worked; she let nothing stop her until she uncovered the whole truth. And for years now she has set her sights on an international drug cartel that was rumoured to have originated in Greece.

Why? Because a few years ago, the President of the United States along with the Vice President, was implicated in the said drug cartel. That would make any media journalist hot on the tail of this story. Much more for her because the President of the United States was her father.

Isobel took out her notebook and pressed the record button on her gadget. As she waited, she scrolled through her precious notes. On the last page, she wrote the name Pierro Eneas. This was where her research led her to. It was to this one man. He was part of the drug cartel and was willing to talk in exchange for passport and papers so that he could leave the United States and go to his family in Italy and hide there.

Isobel reached inside her bag and retrieved the small brown envelope with all the papers he asked for. She used all her connections to get this for she knew he had vital information that will help her uncover the entire truth.

She looked up when she heard heavy footsteps from the door. A man wearing a jacket and shades entered. He wore a tourist cap pulled low over his head. She sat up a little straighter and stared at him. Carefully, he approached her.

“Nicole Smith?” he asked.

That was the name she went by whenever she went undercover. “Yes. It’s me,” she whispered. The man pulled out the chair across from hers and sat. He looked around the small cafe before he took off his cap and his shades.

“You brought what I asked for?”

Isobel opened the envelope and showed him the passports and plane tickets. He reached for it but Isobel yanked it out of his reach.

“First you talk and then these are yours,” she snapped.

The man sighed and looked around the cafe again. Isobel noted his restlessness and how he always looked behind him as though waiting for an attack. When he was sure that everything was fine, he leaned forward.

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