Tiger Tiger

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I dare thy beast to roar

Roar wild to upon this cold world querying more

Unleash the golden eyed tiger out the cage

Free the monstrosity of a soul to its plain stage

For all eyes to gaze

Glare in wonder at its golden stripes brightening the dayz

Free the ambitions of a heart to its destiny

Bloom the wild colors of thy self upon the skies of the enemy

So their eyes burn at the site of pure perfection

As their souls shiver at beauty's reflection

Shine the world bright with your heart

Flourish the oceans blue with your talented art

Escort the angels of hell the dance with the demons of heaven

For a peaceful world to rise at the dawn of 9 eleven

Let love be the path to passion

Let hate be the trail to the red nation

The world is yours, do as u wilt

Destiny of man is written in the mans heart

Its the way the world was built

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2014 ⏰

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