13 : Hide And Go Cheat

Start from the beginning

It's like me to over react. It's just a darn text. He's looking, but doesn't mean he's close. The roof is the last place to look! In the Hangover, they took forever to find that guy.

In the end, they did guess the roof, though.


Feeling the device vibrate again, I looked at the new text message:

Louis [Boo Bear] Tomlinson: You and Harry are the last ones left. Do a lad a favor and tell us where you are? xx

Is he crazy? Why in God's name would I do that?

"Wait, we win!" I yelled, realizing it. I threw my hand up in the air in victory, fist pumping the air. I turned to look at Harry excitingly, he was already running over to me. Meeting him halfway, I jumped up to give him a hug. "We win! We win!"

It was a silly game, but as a child, I never won. I chose the worst hiding places. This time around it was different and I was happy as hell.

I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him closer and squealed as silently as I could. Can't destroy Harry's ear drums, now can I?

"How do you know we won?" Harry asked, putting his arms around my waist.

Pulling away from him awkwardly, I pointed to my phone. "Louis told-" The feel of it vibrating again raised my attention.

Louis [Boo Bear] Tomlinson: Who ever thought of it, is brilliant. See you soon, Ell ;)

I stared at the text in confusion. Thought of what and what's so brilliant about it? I pursed my lips. Nothing makes sense these days.

Feeling hair brush against my forehead, I looked up to see Harry trying to peak at my phone, just inches away. Meeting eyes with me, he smirked, flashing me his killer dimples. "Erm, what did Lou say?" He asked, leaning away.

I shrugged, handing him my phone. "I have no idea what he means."

He read it over a few times, making the silliest faces doing so. Coming up with an idea, he snapped his fingers, handing me my phone. "He knows where we are."

There's no way! "How do you know that?"

He shrugged, flipping his hair out his face and shoving his hands into his pant pockets. It took all I had to not ask him to flip his hair again. It looks perfect. 

"Isn't it obvious? That text just screams 'I found you and I'm coming for you!' Right?"

Thinking about it, I stared at my feet. It does make sense though. Wait, no it doesn't! He just texted me asking where we were and all of a sudden he does? Unbelievable. Louis is just screwing with us, that's all. He wants us to believe that he's found us, so that we can run away. If we do, then he'll actually find us. Bam! We lose. "Nope. Doesn't make sense to me," I finally said. 

The door flew open. The others poured out, grinning at us as they did so. Louis made his way through, staring at the both of us with his arms crossed over his chest. "The roof! I would have never thought of that!"

How did they - ?! There's no way. Absolutely none. 

Thinking about what Louis just said, I raised my hand. "I thought of it-"

"No, I did!" Harry yelled, breaking me off. He flashed me a smile, turning to Louis again.

Dylan pulled out a walkie talkie out his pocket. Pressing a button, he talked into it. "Thanks, guys. We found them."

"Dylan here is the manager." Summer told us, rolling her eyes. She made her way over to my side and looked over the ledge, staring down at the back of the hotel building.

"He cheated. He used his security crew to find us all. You two were lucky to be last," Liam spoke up, walking off else where.

I grinned. Cheated or not, we still won!

"I want a rematch!" Niall shouted, pouting.

Dylan shook his head, laughing at the upset Irish boy. "No can do, my friend." He turned to Harry and I. "Harry, Ella, you two have been crowned King and Queen of hide and go seek! Congratulations!"

The others groaned as Harry and I high fived each other. I don't know what crawled up their ass. They could at least congratulate us on our victory! Things like this doesn't happen every day. It's obvious they didn't know that.

"Now, who wants to smoke some weed?" Dylan wondered, glancing around at all of us excitingly.

My smile faltered. He did not just say 'weed'. What hotel manager smokes weed? That's horrible! He seemed all professional like, at first, but the cigarette smoking should have gave it away, right? No... smoking is normal. But, weed? Seriously? I'm telling.

"We'll pass, mate, but thanks," Liam spoke for all of us.

I guess they don't call him 'Daddy Direction' for nothing. Looking at him, I watched as he pulled his cell out and stare at the screen. A small smile crept on his lips before he let out a small chuckle.

"Harry," I whispered, tapping his shoulder.

He turned to me. "Yes, love?"

"Does Liam have a girlfriend?" It was none of my business, but I'd like to know so I can pester him about it later.

He nodded his head yes, his hair shaking along with him. "Yeah, so does Louis."

Louis has a girlfriend? Okay, I had no idea! A small noise escaped my lips, making Harry look at me questioningly. I flushed in embarrassment. "Uh... ignore that. What about you three?" I asked, motioning towards Zayn, Niall, and himself.

He glanced at them and smirked before looking at me. "Single, but Zayn might be with Perrie, I think. Why? Wanna know who's off limits?"

Who is Perrie?

I snorted. "No, I was just curious."

His smile grew. "You don't have to lie. I already know, Ella."

I scrunched up my face in annoyance before turning away to run from him. He reached out to grab me, his fingers lightly touching my arm. Before he could make full contact, I bolted.

Harry let out a small laugh behind me. "You can run, but you can't hide, babe!"

Of course I can hide! Who does he think he is? I chose the roof, didn't I? If it wasn't for Dylan, the others wouldn't have found us so quickly. I scrunched up my face, taking a look at everyone. Only a few glanced at me to take in my facial expression. Louis being Louis, whipped his phone out to take a quick picture. He smiled from ear to ear, hiding the device shortly after.

I frowned. 

"Alright, enough! All of you, go to your hotel rooms. Now. You're on lock down!" Dylan shouted, circling around in place, his arms flailing around. 

Lockdown? What is the meaning of this 'lock down' he speaks of? 

He stopped and turned to Louis with a straight face. "Your manager wanted me to make sure to keep you guys safe. Safe is my middle name."

I snorted, earning a look from the man. 

He smokes, for Christ sakes. Maybe their manager should have chosen someone more responsible? Or at least perform a back ground check. A baby could have chosen someone better, no offense to this man. Deep down I'm sure he's a lovely man, but... but... I lost my train of thought. 

 "What about that video of Liam?" Zayn pointed out. 

In seconds, we all headed inside. 

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