hang out

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Christys P.O.V


i let the hot water soak my body

closing my eyes i tried to forget about my life at the moment


i jumped as brian washed me away from my peace

grabbing a towel , i got up and wrapped my wet body in it

heading to my room ,i turned on the light and headed to my closet

what to wear?

i picked picked a dark purple silk dress with a black silk bellt wrapped around the waist

i took off my towel and put on my stockings

stepping in the dress i tried to fit myself but it didnt work

i ran out of my room all the way to lillys

harry opened the door "she's sleeping. can you come back? he asked

"can you get me fitted?" i pleaded

"ok, erm how do you do it"

i rolled my eyes

"hey hun let me help" lilly's sweet voice said behind me

"oh your up" harry said

lilly started fitting me

i gave her a huge hug "how is the baby?"

lilly shook her head " i dont know until america,there is no midwifes on here"

 giving her another hug i walked to brexfast "bye lilly"

"bye hun!"

my mother and daisy were sitting at the table with brian. on our own this time

taking a seat i sat down next to daisy, i forced a smile

"hi" i beamed

daisy took my hand "can you take me to see the dolphins?" she asked

"of course sweetie" i led her to the front of the boat

she wached in awe as a dolphin took a jump out of the water

"Christy!" i heard a voice shout from below

i looked down to see ricky waving

"hey!" i said smiling

"come down and meet me at at the second class deck after you have finished your brexfast" he yelled up at me

taking daisy's hand i gave ricky one last smile before rushing to the brexfast table

"but christy, i wanted to stay and wach the dolphins!" she whined

"oh christy you can be selfish" brian said tutting

ignoring them i concentrated on my brexfast my mother had got me

as soon as i had finished it i ran out of the dining room down to second class and found ricky

"yes?" i asked him

"christy your amazing and i would love to spend more time with you, would you like to spend a day with me and my friends?"

i nodded

ricky took me to see jasper

"hey ricky! you missed brexfast"

"not hungry" he replied

"so anyway. i had an idea which i think would be halarious. how about we knock on all the 1st class doors and run away?" he beamed

me and ricky looked at eachother

"how is this supposed to be fun?" we asked at the same time before bursting into fits of laughter

jasper stuck his tounge out at us "well what do you think will be fun"

"i have an idea" i said with an evil look in my eye

"i.hate.you and how come jasper got out of this" emmet said

i was finding it hard to breath as i stared at a very annoyed ricky and emmet

"theese are so itchy" ricky complained "how the hell to you wear theese?"

oh yes. i am evil.

i put ricky and emmet in my dresses mwahahahahaha

"now you must knock on every 1st class door and see what reaction you get " i said slyly

"once again, i.hate.you" emmet yelled

"just go" i said

they walked slowly over to the first door

emmet knocked

a woman answered

when she saw them she stared in horror

"good day mam" ricky said in a posh voice

"OH MY GOD!" she yelled and slammed the door

i could get use to this



has anyone realised it's day 3


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